Stay Out of the Dog Park

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The announcement of the new dog park struck an interest with the group of teens. The rumors of hooded figures, and angels seemed more like a fictional story instead of real.

"What do you think goes on in the dog park that makes it so off limits?" Christine asked, picking up the can of soda that sat on top of the coffee table.

"It can't really have an electric fence around it, right?" Lisa scrunched her face as she listened close to the broadcaster.

"No, you really think they would allow that?" David scoffed then rolled his eyes.

The girls began to laugh uneasily as the broadcaster continued his bimonthly broadcast. Only Night Vale would have such wild stories, thanks to smooth talker by the name of Cecil.

"Okay, but do you really think the hooded figures are there?" Christine asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"Nah, Cecil's broadcasts are really just to scare the listener's. I mean remember when he was 'possessed'?" he air quote the word sarcastically before turning the broadcast off once Cecil said "Goodnight, Nightvale, Goodnight."

"I guess, but what if it's not all acted? What if he really was?" Christine questioned, walking over to the window to peer out. The sky was clear and the moon was full, the little town of Nightvale was peaceful as if it was nothing but normal.

"I don't know, Christine. It doesn't look like this town could handle such wild stories." David followed, looking out beside her "You know" he hummed as if thinking of something important "Why don't we just go to the dog park? Then we'll know if Cecil is telling the truth."

Both Lisa and Christine shot a look of disbelief at David, they knew he was daring but not to this point. "Wh-what? W-why?" Both girls said in unison which caused a burst of laughter from David.

"Oh come on, I'm sure it's just a regular park." Bending down he picked up his jacket, threw it over his shoulder and headed out the door. Knowing full well the girls would chase after; he didn't wait for either Lisa or Christine. Instead he made his way down the pathway towards the street.

"David! Wait! I'm coming" Lisa ran out the open door and down the pathway to catch up with him. Taking a hold of his shoulder she pulled back to stop him "I'm coming with you." Her voice was low as she clutched his arm.

Standing at the door Christine watched the events, and then gave out an annoyed sigh "Ugh, well if Lisa's going. Then I guess I'm coming." Christine ran after the two "You guys suck!" she yelled from behind them.

The walk down the street was nothing but peaceful, people would wave their 'hellos', as they took care of the well maintained yards.

"Do you know where the dog park is?" Lisa whispered as she held onto David a little tighter.

Grinning he held her trembling hand against his arm. "Just down the street, you can see it." Pointing his index finger to the large area in front of them, it looked more like a cemetery then a dog park.

The Fence was a shade of black the group had never seen before, and atop sat dull looking spikes. The area had random scattered trees, but it mostly was an open space of black looking grass. The group reached the opening; David the braver one of the bunch took a hold of the gate and slowly began to push it open, and with a low creak it swung open. "See, it's not electrified so far Cecil is wrong about that one." He mused.

The girls exhaled loudly, clearly they were more scared for David then he was himself. Looking over his shoulder a small grin spread across his face "Well, come on girls. Let's go see some hooded figures." Both gulped and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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