Yes I've calmed down since I've had Kaliyah and I prided myself on that. I had no reason to fight and get belligerent because I was a mom and I was trying to set an example for my daughter. Plus I was 26 now, I was to old to be fighting and I had to much to lose and to much to live for.

But she was taking me back to a time in my life when I had nothing to loose. When I wouldn't think twice about cussing somebody out or putting my hands on somebody. August must of not told her about me.

"So is there anything you want to tell me," she asked.

"Not really," I shrugged lamely.

"Are you two still fucking," she asked and I glanced at Danielle and she shook her head just as much shocked by the audacity of this hoe like I was.

"Why don't you ask August since you and him are so close?"

"I'm asking you," she called herself getting loud and took another step to closer to me and I crossed my arms across my chest to stop myself from pushing her out of my face like I really wanted to.

I sighed and shook my head. She was pretty I couldn't lie but instead of spending money on body enhancements she should of spend money enhancing her brain because is he was smart she would of known I wasn't the one to step to.

"You kind of remind me of a little chihuahua, small, cute and feisty but don't get fucked up trying to be big and bad. I have no problem putting you to sleep so I suggest you watch your tone and take a step back."

"Or what bitch? I'm not going nowhere you tell me what I want to know."

I didn't have to put my hands on her to hurt her, she wanted to know the truth and so I would tell her the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

"Yes we've messed around since we got out of jail," I held up two fingers, "Twice. The first time he came over to my place and was asking me what he could do to make things right and I let him eat my pussy. It wasn't planned it just happened but I didn't regret it, not at all. While he was eating you kept calling back to back, you probably called like eight times. Anyway after I had my full and he had his I sent him on his way. He actually answered the phone for you, he probably told you he was handling business which wasn't a complete lie I guess you could say."

She looked mad but I simply smiled and continued, "He probably told you that he doesn't eat pussy but that's a lie, a big one. Now the second time he showed up out of the blue while I was out on a date. It was a bad date and he drove me back to my place and one thing led to another and we had sex. You wanted the truth that's the truth."

"So your one of those babymama's who thinks it's cool to fuck around with your baby daddy while he's in a relationship with another women?"

"No because as far as I know and as far as he told me you were nothing but something to pass them time and get his mind off of me. His words, not mine. I mean what has he done for you to even think that he's your man? Because he has sex with you, because he gives you money and buys you shit?"

She was quiet and it was because she knew I was right.

"Let me give you a tip from someone who knows August and guys like him. No man likes an easy women, a convenient fuck. They call and throw some money at you and spit game and you come running. Real man like a challenge, so what I advise you to do, women to women is take some time for yourself and get right. Start chasing after your dreams and make some money and stop chasing after niggas with money. Don't chase them, let them chase you. You coming up to me in the mall parking like trying to be all big and bad and confront me about a nigga who doesn't' even claim you is pathetic. Stop being pathetic."

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