My Life in a Nutshell

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The bell rings and I grab my bag to head towards my locker. When I close my locker, Jessica is wait in right behind me to get on the bus.
"So, how were midterms?"
I make an ugly noise and roll my eyes. "I thought the bell meant school was over."
We're besties so it's ok to joke around. I always get the window seat, and and she likes to sit near the aisle so she can checkout the seniors from where we sit. No later than when we get off the bus does Jess strangle me in a hug and start walking down her street.
"See you when you I get back!" I said.
"Have a good time!"
"I'll try but without you I'll be lonely!"
"Something tells me you won't..." She replies mysteriously. "Text me!"
"You betcha. Later"
"Later, Y/N"
I get the key from under the fuzzy welcome mat, and walk in. Exhausted from tests and other stuff I drop my bag on the floor and head to the freezer to get some icy pops. I ripped one open with my teeth and started sucking on it. Pina Colada Flavored. Yum. Remembering I have to study for more tests I call Jess, and we study over the phone.

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