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Lemme start off with an OC of mine, Lisa Samejima


"Your Highness, please don't go too far!"

"I told you guys to just call me Lisa!"

Lisa was heading towards the outskirts of the city, her two bodyguards having a bit of a difficulty catching up to her. Whenever she passed by a familiar face, she would slow down to say hi then return to her normal pace. "Ooh, a cliff!" Lisa gasped in awe, stopping as she looked up to the said cliff in front of her. The two Shark Tooth members finally caught up, putting their hands on their knees when they stopped to catch their breath. "Lisa, we're nearing the gates. If you want to go outside, we have to call His Highness about it," one of them suggested breathlessly.

"Oh, I don't intend to go past the gates," Lisa pointed out as she observed the wall, a hand under her chin. "Hmm..."

When one of the members had finally caught his breath, he looked up to see Lisa climbing up the cliff. "L-Lisa! Please get down there!" he stuttered in panic, and his companion raised his head to see what was happening. "We're gonna be dead meat if something happens to you!" the other one added as both of them ran up to the foot of the cliff. Lisa looked down at them before rolling her eyes. "Oh, hush. I'll be fine. If something goes wrong, I'll make sure Gabu doesn't give you a scolding," she assured, but just as she said that, the rock that she was holding on to cracked off.


"I told you to keep her safe!"

The three people immediately returned to the X-Tower after the small accident, and upon seeing Lisa bruised and dirty, Gabu was surely furious. "What part of 'bodyguards' do you numbskulls not understand?!" Gabu hissed venomously. "Brother, it's not their fault!" Lisa defended, stepping up in front of the two scared men. "I didn't listen to them," she admitted sheepishly, "If I did, none of this would've happened. So please, don't yell at them." Gabu stared at his sister, who was giving him a begging look. He let a moment of contemplation pass before he turned his back at them and sighed.

"Both of you. Out," he grunted.

Lisa looked back at the two members and gave them a small smile, and the two sent her grateful ones in return before scurrying off. As she watched them go, she heard Gabu going down the platform. She turned around to see his brother already walking up to her, hands folded over his chest, lips formed to a scowl and eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Arm," Gabu demanded as he put out his hand once he got to her, and Lisa obediently placed her left wrist on his hand. He pulled up the sleeve of her jacket to reveal small bruises, and he looked at Lisa with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah, that's the side I fell on," Lisa informed, smiling sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head with her free hand.

"Get Taiga to fix this."

Lisa's smile widened as Gabu let go and turned away, but none of them started walking just yet. Gabu ran his hand over his face and let out a frustrated breath, and just as he was about to take a step, he felt a forced behind him that almost knocked him over. "Thanks for understanding, brother," Lisa told him happily. "Just because I didn't say it doesn't mean I'm not mad at you for putting yourself in danger," Gabu groaned as he limply tried to break free from the hug. "Again," he added under his breath just as Lisa let go.

"I've only been here for a month, and I want to explore X-City as much as I can! Who knows when we'll be able to go back home?"

Gabu bit the inside of his mouth as soon as he heard the last part, and he was thankful he had his back turned to her. "Yeah... who knows..." he trailed off quietly, standing still as he heard Lisa's footsteps and humming fade away. He let a moment of silence pass before he went back to the platform. Truth be told, he didn't have any intentions of going back, and he wouldn't want to anytime soon. The power... the strength... that's what he desired; that's what he wanted. That's why he wanted to stay here in the X-Zone, but when Lisa came, those desires grew... weak.

His twin had been at his side for the longest time, and she had also been his closest friend. Lisa would always give him support, and she would give him a good nagging if she caught him up to no good. She was like his outside conscience; telling him to do what was right, even if he didn't like it. But there were times that when he did something wrong, Lisa would try to keep him away from the scolding of the teachers and their parents. Now that she was here in the new dimension with them, first thing they did was to feed her lies, making her believe that they had turned for the better and did good to the city.

However, those lies pained Gabu inside. He knew that Lisa believed everything and was convinced that what they said were true. He could see the blissful innocence in his sister's eyes and the proud smile she always wore whenever they told her fake stories of their rulership, but if she was told the truth, everything would change. She would turn against them; hate them. "No, that wouldn't happen..." Gabu mumbled, his clasped hands behind his back tightening. "I won't let it. I'll never let her know."

"Sir, reporting for duty."

Gabu turned to face his man, who happened to be Koei. "Wh... the hell you doing here, Koei?" he asked in confusion. "You called me, Your Highness?" Koei answered with an equal amount of confusion, though it came out as a question. There was a brief silence before both of them realized what happened, but Gabu was the one to vocalize their thoughts, which was accompanied by a facepalm.

"Dammit, Lisa!"


Lisa was as naive as a little child before she found out the truth :(

But she always tend to mess around in the X-Tower, especially in between her two brothers and Koei, but in a harmless yet mildly stressful manner.

Requests are open!

Little Tidbits (Idaten Jump Short Stories and Extras)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora