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There was a man called Sam, he was working as a wood toys maker .he loved children but he did not have any child so he made a wooden boy and he left it on his table and slept.a fairy came and let him move, when Sam waked up he saw him walking so he called him pinochio. He buy for him a book and sent him to school.on his way to school he saw a circus he wanted to watch the circus so he give one man the book and the man give him money and he watched the circus then he think how to get a new book. Pinochio saw money on the floor so he picked it and he slept under a tree a cat and a mouse watched him and they stole his money. When he wakeup a fairy appeared she said to him if you lie your nose will be taller.and go to your father and tell the he went and he told his father Sam about what happened and pinochio was not liying every day and one night pinochio was sleeping the fairy made him a real boy and he lived happily with his father Sam.

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