The fair

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Based on the poem "The fair" by Vernon Scannell

"I'm going to the fair now!" Dean shouted to Sam and Bobby as he shrugged his leather jacket on and closed the door to their motel room. The fair wasn't very far down the road and the weather was so pleasant he didn't need his leather jacket. When he turned the second corner, he could hear the music from the fair, it was very upbeat and energetic.

When Dean reached the fair his senses were overwhelmed and he could smell everything from brandy-snap to diesel oil; he could see the spinning lights and children running everywhere. As Dean started to walk around , he decided to check out all of the food stalls, a certain one caught his eye as he was walking around: it was selling pie. Dean walked towards it and started with all the samples, each one better than the last, in the end he settled on a classic cherry pie. Next door to the pie stall was a liquorice stall, Sam loves liquorice! So he bought him a bag full of the stuff.

After Dean had looked at all of the stalls, he headed towards the rides. The first ride he went on was called "Ghost fever!!". It didn't sound too scary but on the ride there were manic flashing and flickering lights and people who seemed to appear and disappear in an instant. It was terrifying for Dean and put him off all the other ghost rides completely. The second ride he went on was called "The mystery spot", the walls at the entrance were painted in a hypnotic spiral and the further inside the furniture was stuck on the walls and ceiling, A piano was playing itself along with a cello. Dean was there for over 20 minutes which is 15 minutes over the average! When he left, there were stars in the sky like scattered beads of rice and when dean checked his watch it said that it was already 8:20pm, he needed to be back before 8:30pm! Even worse, he was lost. Dean ran around to find some signs to find where he was going but it was a travelling fair so there was none. He started to follow the crowd but they were all going to see the last show of that night.

When dean finally escaped the fair's grip he was in a field. The cool wind tickled the back of his neck, he was suddenly scared of his surroundings. Dean decided to skirt the outside of the field to find and exit but the sky was dark and the light from his phone would only go so far. By the time he was 1/3 of the way around it was 9:00 and the sky was nearly pitch black. Due to the fact the sky was so dark he was nearly unable to see and that he had no phone service; he sat on the grass and start to eat his pie, all the walking had tired him out. He wasn't planning on eating it all - it was just too nice for him to stop. When he had finished the pie Dean suddenly felt extremely tired; even though it was only 9:15pm. He lay on the grass with his arms tucked under his head, he looked up at the stars and constellations, he had learned some when he was younger. At some point he must of fallen asleep on the grass, he would definitely look for a way out tomorrow.


Dean awoke to the smell of bitter, grey smoke; he assumed it was just a bad dream until he felt the heat prickling his skin, then he knew something was wrong. He sat bolt upright and looked at his surroundings, there was fire surrounding him like he was an animal in a cage. The dancing flames licked at his body, as if to say stay back, when he got to close to the side. The heat was intense and when he tried to shout but the smoke was slowly choking him and making his voice weak. His body started to heat up considerably so he took off his jacket off and started to fan the fire but it only exited it. At some point he collapsed in the middle of the fire which soon engulfed him.


In red vans with sirens blaring, the fire brigade came to the field not long after Dean passed. Bobby was contacted once they had found the body. They had just put out the fire and cornered off the corpse when a 67 Chevy Impala parked by the fire engines; Sam got out and brought a wheelchair to the drivers side and helped Bobby out the car and into the chair.

They came towards the body and, when they were nearly there, Sam broke into a sprint towards the charred body; trying to find something to prove it wasn't Dean. He kneeled down next to the body, despite the firemen's protests, with tears threatening to spill. The sunlight caught on a piece of metal on the floor, Sam picked it up; it was the amulet from Dean's necklace. Sam's hands started to shake as he looked closer at the amulet and a single tear fell on top of the amulet, tears started to fall faster and his body was now shaking. A woman from the fire brigade kneeled down next to him and started questioning him about Dean. But Sam wasn't listening, he was thinking about Dean, his role model and how cruel life was for both of them; how well Dean pretended everything was fine. Sam stood up and walked out of the crime scene, away from the charred body to the car where he could cry in peace.


The funeral was a few months later, it was hard to plan because they were always on the road. They finally decided to give him the same kind of funeral they gave Mary. After all, they died the same way.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 12, 2016 ⏰

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