Chapter One

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The Passion of the Firelord

A Zukka fanfiction

By Vanessa041898

"What's wrong with you Zuko? You've been so distant." Mai wrapped her arms around Zuko.

"Nothing Mai, I've just got a lot on my mind. Being Firelord has its pros and cons." He shifted his body, causing Mai's arms to fall off him.

"You should be happy and relaxed. The war is over, we are in an era of peace. It's been almost a year Zuko, enjoy it." She went to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head.

"I should go back to the palace, my uncle is waiting for me." he lied as he took his leave from her house, walking the short distance that it was to the palace. He went directly to his room, opening the doors to his balcony he stood gazing out. The sun was setting just beyond the hills, creating an orange glow with wisps of pink and blue intertwining and competing for dominance of the sky. Mai no longer filled the void in Zuko's life, she made him feel empty.

What's wrong with me? He thought to himself as he slipped his robe off, letting the air hit his bare chest. He stared at the city below him, seeing mothers catch their running toddlers. It reminded him of his childhood, of his mother. His friends had promised to keep their eyes open for Zuko's mother. However, no one has seen her. This upset him, he sighed and looked down at the ground.

There was a knock at the door, "Firelord Zuko, you have a visitor." Zuko walked to his door and opened it to see one of the palace maids.

"Who is it?" He asked

"It's the Avatar sire." Zuko's face lit up as he quickly made his way to the palace entrance.

"Zuko!" Aang yelled as he saw Zuko walking quickly down the hall towards him.

"Aang, my student." The two hugged for a short while before releasing each other. "It's been almost three months. I'm so glad to see you. Where are the others?" Zuko asked as he noticed that only Aang had come.

"Katara and Sokka are in the Southern Water Tribe, helping to rebuild it further. Toph is in Ba Sing Se, on a short vacation. I just got here from the Southern Water Tribe."

"What brings you here?" Zuko asked

"Pirates. They've been invading towns and taking things, killing innocent people. I need your help protecting the waters around other nations, keeping pirate ships out."

"Anything to help the Avatar and keep the peace. I'll send some ships over immediately." Zuko smiled and Aang returned the smile. "Are you staying here?"

"Well Appa is tired, and so am I. I'll be leaving to get Katara, Sokka, and Toph soon. They're coming to the Fire Nation for a while. We all miss you Zuko."

"That sounds nice, I'll have rooms prepared for you all. Follow me to your room." Aang followed Zuko to a big room on the second floor. The walls were a deep burgundy color, with red carpet. A rug laid on the floor with the Fire Nation symbol on it. The bed had curtains and a black blanket laying perfectly on it. Over a year ago, Aang would have been looking over his shoulder, making sure he wouldn't be ambushed and caught.

"Thank you Zuko." Aang hugged him and Zuko hugged back.

"I'll tell my general to set up fleets and send a messenger hawk to the earth kingdom capitol." Aang nodded and bowed to Zuko, who bowed back. After Zuko told one of his generals what Aang needed, he returned to his room and removed his clothes. Picking a pair of baggy pants to wear.

As he stared out to his city, his precious Fire Nation city. He realized that he was empty. The void once filled with his search for the Avatar and his honor, and then filled with Mai. Was now empty, Sokka was half way around the world and he still couldn't manage to make him leave his mind. He grabbed his chest, trying to stop the aching pain that shot through his body at the image of Sokka in his head. No one would understand. No one would see that Zuko's feelings were pure. That, in all his life, he has never been happier than what he was with Sokka.

If only life worked out for everyone, if only Zuko could see Sokka and figure out his feelings. He returned to his bed and brought the covers up to his chest, before closing his eyes, Zuko whispered to himself, "Only time will tell." Finally he fell asleep


Aang was gone the next morning, and so was Appa. He must have gone to get the others. He thought to himself. He was at a loss as he had nothing to do, the days were long and he found himself unable to fall asleep at night. It was over two weeks before Aang returned with the others, Zuko was in his room when he got the news.

"My friends!" he called as he entered the hallway leading to the palace entry.

"Zuko." Toph ran up and crashed into him, hugging him. "Long time no see!" She said as she punched his arm.

"Zuko, it's so nice to see you again." Katara said as she hugged him, then returning to hold Aang's hand.

"Anyone see if I dropped my seal blubber jerky? I think I lost it." Sokka stumbled inside. The time after the war had changed him. He seemed more muscular than before. His face wasn't as childish anymore, the boyish features had been sculpted into a man's, and his chin had stubble from facial hair. Sokka was seventeen now and he looked it.

"Hello Sokka, don't worry we have plenty of food here for you." Sokka looked at Zuko and smiled as they fell into a hug.

"Zuko." Suki erupted from nowhere as she gave Zuko a hug. Her appearance shocked Zuko.

"Welcome everyone, I'll show you to your rooms so you can unpack. Then we'll all meet for breakfast." They all smiled as he escorted them.

They all sat down for breakfast, exchanging stories of their times apart. Zuko listened intently, but noticed that he paid more attention to Sokka. He also noticed that he no longer felt empty. It wasn't long before the day was over and Zuko stood on his balcony looking out to his city, when he finally put the pieces together.

As much as Zuko wanted to let this go and move on with his life, to be normal. He couldn't. He realized his affection for Sokka was overwhelming. He thought the love of his life was Mai, but over the past year being with Mai has only upset Zuko. He no longer had a passion for her like he once did, like he had since he was a young boy watching her play in his courtyard with his sister Azula and their friend Ty Lee.

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