The PC vs. Mac Debate

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The automated message had been droning on for the past two hours. "Windows Customer Service. We appreciate your call, and will get to you as soon as-"

I immediately tuned the robot lady out as I sat at the table, perusing through one of the new medical journals I received in the mail. If I had to listen to this voice anymore, I may just go insane.

"This stupid computer cannot die on me," I muttered angrily. Even though it did get me through four years of undergrad and four more years of medical school. "I won't let that happen." My attachment to the laptop was not going to fade away so easily.

"You know, if you would just let me buy a Macbook Pro, you could save yourself all this trouble," Chris so very helpfully volunteered from his recliner. He had been sitting there all morning, reading through his new script.

"You're one to talk since you're the king of the Apple sheeple in the iFlock. You had a Dell and a Blackberry, and then betrayed all PC and Android users by getting an iPhone and -"

"Hey, I'll have you know that those were gifts from-"

I am so done with this conversation. "If you don't have something helpful to say," I yelled back at him, "don't say anything at all."

"I think the line is: 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything it at all.'"

Smartass. "Same sentiment," I muttered while rolling my eyes, "And I most certainly do notneed you to give me anything."

"You mean nothing from Apple, right?" I felt my boyfriend's presence behind me as he began nuzzling his lips into the crook of my neck. Now I definitely wasn't going to get any reading done.

I couldn't stop squirming. I began to giggle and hiccuped, "Stop it, Chris, you're tickling me!"

He snickered, and continued, "Cause I seem to remember you enjoying something I gave you last night-" He then tightened his arms around my waist, almost caressing my sides.

Ughhhh.... Eyes widening, I blushed as I remembered exactly what happened last night in our bedroom, and reached behind me to lightly slap his chest.

Damn him, I could feel smiling into my shoulder as he laughed at my embarrassment. "You're so shameless, Evans," I retorted, as he kissed my warm, red cheeks as the robotic message drawled on. 

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