Bokuto forced a smile on his face and walked away.

"You sure this is an okay gift?" Bokuto asked Kuroo as they walked outside.

"Yup, I gave one to Kenma and he really likes it." Kuroo responded.

"So, where to now?"

"Hmm I wonder if I should go back to Kenma and stay with him today..." Kuroo said.

"Really? You should just let him rest for today, I bet he's tired after what you did to him last night...." Bokuto said sardonically. (<lol I'm improving my vocab)

"Fine bro shut up!" Kuroo sped walked away embarrassed. Bokuto burst into laughter and caught back up with him.

"Hmmm, we should go play volleyball" Bokuto suggested.

"Is volleyball all you ever think about?"

"That, and how cute Akaashi is."


"At least I don't treat Kenma as if I were his mom."

"I DO noT"

"Kenma are you okay? Kenma you're so adorable!" Bokuto said imitating Kuroo.

"Shut up bro" Kuroo playfully pushed Bokuto.

They walked to an open gym that was right next to a park. The whole walk there they laughed and joked about each other. Each one trying to prove that they were better at volleyball and what not. They arrived at the park. The same park Akaashi was at. Akaashi had nothing better to do, so yah, he watched them. He followed them to the gym, and from a distance, he saw them have a "Who has a better serve contest"

Bokuto lost, so he went on a rampage and started chucking volleyballs at Kuroo. It turned into an all out battlefield with balls everywhere and them both hiding behind something. This little game came to an end though when Bokuto started yelling.


"no you're not Bokuto, its just a bloody nose.

"ITs your fault, you threw a ball at my face!"

"I know right, what amazing aim I have to get a headshot on an owl!"

After the mess was cleaned up, they went back out into the park. Bokuto sat on a bench waiting for Kuroo, who had said that he'll be back in a sec.

"Here you gooo!" Kuroo handed a ice cream cone to Bokuto, and started licking his own.

"I still won't forgive you after what you did!" Bokuto said acting childish. However, his eyes glimmered as he stared at his chocolate chip cookie dough swirl flavored ice cream. (hey guess what. comment ur fav ice cream ;)

"Yah sure you won't."

They ate their ice cream and laughed and joked. 'They seemed to be having a great time' thought Akaashi who was in the park looking at them, still from a distance. What had he become, a stalker?

He started walking back home, but not without an answer to his thought provoking question. He had made a final decision. That yes, he was jealous. Of the girls, and even Kuroo. He wanted to win Bokuto's heart because he just couldn't stand not being with him.


Bokuto gazed at the sun set. Looking up at the calm colorful sky, he thought that it looked beautiful. Him thinking about beauty, lead to him thinking about Akaashi. Bokuto had an answer too, and knew how he felt about Akaashi. 'I'm not gonna stop until he's mine.'

Kuroo and Bokuto said their goodbyes and walked their separate ways. It didn't take long for Bokuto to get home, mostly because he skipped instead of walked the way back home.

When he got home, he went right to bed. He laid on his back and stared up at the ceiling.  'Hopefully I'll get the guy of my dreams tomorrow.' he thought as he drifted to sleep.

However, this sleep was interrupted by the sound of his text ringtone and the light his phone displayed. He turned to his side and looked at the phone.

Bokuto grabbed it and started texting. (Akaashi is bold)

(9:43) Hey

(9:44) Hey

(9:46) R u at Kuroo-san's house?

(9:47) Naw, I went back home, hey do u wanna hang out tomorrow?

(9:47) Um, sure

(9:49) I'll b at your house at 10

(9:50) Ok, good night Bokuto-san

(9:50) good night

Bokuto wasn't just gonna tell Akaashi about his birthday plans for tomorrow, it was gonna be a surprise! However, Akaashi sincerely thought that maybe Bokuto actually did forget. It wouldn't be a surprise if he did.... Oh well, Akaashi couldn't tell until tomorrow.

Do I smell a hint of bokuroo in this chapter???( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


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