"N, it's fine. I'll get a cab."

"No, I think it's a good idea if Quinn takes you back," Bryce agreed.

Dana gave up. "I hope you all have fun."

"Can I have my shawl Dana since you won't need it?" Trisha asked.

"Of course, sorry."

Dana took it off and held it out to her, having forgotten about the massive bruise on her upper arm.

"Dana?" Quinn asked taking her arm and looking at it.

"It's O.K., one of the auditorium doors hit me."

It was apparent that Quinn didn't believe her. He shot a look towards Bryce who just nodded.

Everyone else was silently looking at her.

"Let's go, Dana," Quinn said as he placed his hand on her back.

"We'll see you two tomorrow at breakfast." Mason grinned.

"Mason!" Elizabeth hissed.

"You're the one who's pimping out her son Mom."

"Mason!" Almost all the Stevens said at the same time. It seemed Mason could go too far even in his attempt at comic relief.

"Sorry Quinn, sorry Dana, I didn't mean to offend," He hollered up the aisle.

"I'll see you at breakfast Mason," Quinn said without turning around. That was Quinn's way of letting him know he wasn't offended.

"The babies you two would make," Mason gave a low whistle, apparently not one to leave well enough alone.

Dana's heart clenched at the thought of having Quinn's babies, and how even if she wanted too she never could. Dana couldn't help the gasp that had escaped her. Had he read that in the report, was that why he didn't want her? Did he know she couldn't give him children? She had always seen it as a blessing when she was married to Marcus, even possibly as a reason he might one day leave her, but knowing that she would never be able to give Quinn children was gut-wrenching.

Quinn stopped and turned to look at Mason. A look passed between the brothers that only they seemed to understand. "You first brother." Then he gently pushed Dana forward out of the auditorium.

He was silent as they made their way through the quiet lobby, and Dana couldn't help but wonder if he had been as affected by Mason's comment as she had? When they reached the street, he had hailed a cab, and they rode silently back to the hotel, leaving Dana to try and guess what he was thinking.

They made their way into the lobby of the hotel, and Quinn took her arm and led her towards the bar in the middle of the massive atrium-like setting. "Let's have a drink," Quinn suggested as he ordered her a white wine.

Dana felt suddenly very alone as she sat there nursing her drink. Quinn had gotten his one night of passion and was no longer interested. She wished she could figure out what had happened to change his mind. Was it that she couldn't have children or was it only a promise to be kept, and he was a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy? As soon as she had the thought, she dismissed it.

Her mind kept replaying her night with Quinn, trying to figure out if there was something she had said or done to make him not want her anymore. How long she pondered this over her glass of wine, she had no idea, but suddenly Quinn turned towards her. Her body would never let her down where he was concerned.

Quinn sat sideways on his stool, his long legs perched on the bottom rail. He had one of his knees in front of her and the other behind her, and he had her cornered. Dana didn't look up or dare move.

For Once In My Life (Stevens Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now