chapter 2: part 1

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<Adam's POV>

Its offically way too late for anyone, even me, to be awake. I just got finished recording with the guys from team crafted. Ty was acting weird though. It might have been with what Mitch was saying throught the whole recording. I know that alot of this whole "Skylox" stuff makes deadlox uncomfortable. I dont know why though, im perfectly fine with it, i mean shippers will be shippers. Hmmm i wonder if the only reason why deadlox always acts so weird about that stuff is because he actually wants it to happen?! NO, no way, Ty knows im straight, and he knows that nothing would happen like that.......but what if something like that DID happen? I mean it wouldnt be so bad. Ty isnt a bad looking guy. He's actually kind of cute... Oh God! what the hell am i thinking! I REALLY must be tired if im thinking of Ty that way. I better start going to bed earlier. 

I woke up in a daze. wha? What time is it? i picked up my phone and its 11 in the morning. Why can't i ever just wake up like a normal person. Oh well, i guess i better start recording. I text deadlox and ask him if we can record. 

Me: Hey bro, do you wanna record a vid?

Ty: Yeah, sounds like fun.

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