at fair

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Every evening we text. Sweet stuff i love it i just need it. One day i saw her again that day was amazing. Gaming in side she pinned me in sofa and kiss me. Sound and felt like a dream.

2 week later i did go to a fair with her.I try thing i never did i wasn't scared becaus she was with me. Like she now with me! But yeah futur with storry. That day i met her father and met her mother for second time there where so nice to me. They bring me home safe. In car she sit next me i found hard to leave her like that. I kiss her see you soon. It was just amazing i think 3 day after that on the day i felt like i got famely again and they love me. After a couple day her brother know it to he okay with it. It make me believe again in good famly with out divorcing like my parent did hurt me ever single day like lot of my past but mind you own bisness. Ps. she colord her hair in purple and that now my favorite collor see you soon babe xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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