A Rude Awakening

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  • Dedicated to Abbie and Mya for all of the fun times we've had.

"I just can't do it, mommy!' She whined. "I'll never be able to fix it!'

The small girl sat Indian style on the ground with a large, blue book on her lap. Her eyes filled with tears as she brought shaking hands up to the shattered plate.

"Relax, love. It will take time for you to master this spell. After all, this is only your first magick lesson." The Queen cooed while smoothing out her daughter's frazzled golden curls.

"But, what if Lord Alek comes for a test? I'll never be ready!"

The elder tilted her head to the side in question. "The newest Council member? No, he wouldn't come for a demonstration of your abilities just yet. We still have ten years until you are to be appointed as a Sage. You have much time to learn."

The small girl's eyes lit up. "Ten years? That's an awfully long time to wait!"

The queen laughed, her worn features looking slightly younger. "Yes, I suppose it would sound that way to one so young." She teased while enveloping her eldest daughter in a hug. "But, for an old crone like myself, it seems like only a day away!"

The small girl giggled as she squeezed her mother with all the force she could muster.

"I love you, mommy."

"I love you too, my little Angel"



"Your highness?"


"Y-Your highness, are you awake-?"

Angel rolled over to escape the knocking at her door while distant memories played beneath her closed lids.



"One moment, please!" She hissed as kicked the silken covers from her bed, and glanced out of the bedroom window.

It was a beautiful day in Nutaria. Sunlight was pooling underneath the window, the birds were fluttering to and fro, and the grass was just as emerald as ever.

'What nightmare this land is,' Angel pondered sadly. 'Such a perfect nightmare.'

She begrudgingly slipped out of the comforts of her bed before reaching for the white cloak folded neatly on the dresser. It was a gift she received on her 14th birthday- a testament to how hard she had worked for many years.


"Keep your eyes closed, dear! No peeking now!" The Queen loved to tease her so.

"Oh, honestly mother. I would do no such thing!" Angel retorted while a large smile graced her countenance.

"Yes, yes, I know, but it doesn't hurt to be sure. Curiosity did kill the cat, you know!"

Angel was then abruptly stopped, and turned around in a circle three times.

It was a special day in Nutaria. For, today was the princess's 14th birthday. She was quickly becoming of age, and growing to be a beauty befitting of any man. Even if she didn't believe it herself.

"Happy birthday, my Angel." Her mother cooed while removing the blindfold that hid Angel's surprise from view.

"Oh, mother!" Angel gasped as tears threated to fall.

Neatly folded in her mother's arms was a Sage's cloak the color of freshly fallen snow. Gold trimmed the edges of the hood and bottom, and made a delicate clasp around the neck.

"I-It's white. That's the color of the highest Sage! They've chosen me to bear such a high title?" Happiness and shock was written all over her face.

"Yes, my dear. White is the color of purity and power. You as the White Sage are very important. The Council has chosen you above all others to directly serve them. It is an honor you should nor take lightly." The queen said as her face softened. "Lord Alek requested that you head to the Council Hall immediately. They wish to speak to their newest Sage directly."

Angel nodded and carefully put on the cloak, pride shining brightly though her eyes. "Very well. Thank you mother..."


Angel sighed at the memory as she put on her cloak for what seemed like the thousandth time. How happy she was to receive such a beautiful garment. She was so young and naïve. Now she knew all it represented was the hold the Guardian Council had on her. She was their lap dog; ready to attack if needed and to heel if commanded to.

"You may come in," She said as she smoothed out her dress and combed through messy curls.

"T-Thank you, your highness," The voice replied before a kitchen servant entered the room.

The boy was not much younger than she was. Perhaps only two years behind her eighteen. He had dull mahogany hair pulled tightly behind his head, and crumpled servant's clothing. She raised an eyebrow at the way it hung off of his slender frame.

"I-I was worried that something was wrong when I knocked. I t-trust everything is alright?" He stammered nervously as if she were an animal about to pounce.

"Yes, everything is alright. Pray tell, what is the purpose of your visit?" Angel asked politely, receiving a small sigh of relief from the boy.

"You have a visitor, your highness. Would you like to take your breakfast with him in the main dining hall?"

"A visitor?" The princess inquired, her eyebrows rising in confusion. "Does our guest have a name?"

The boy nodded and shifted uncomfortably. "Yes, I would assume so, your highness. But, all he would let on is that he was a friend of the late Queen Camille."

Angel's eyes softened, "A friend of Mother's..." She muttered distantly before snapping back to reality. "Did he say what he wanted?"

The servant glanced down at the floor, "No, ma'am."

"He just barged in without giving his name or why he's here?" Angel nearly snapped as she felt her left eye twitching. She was growing more tired of this by the second.

"It appears so, your highness..." He replied, the nervousness from before beginning to creep back into his voice.

"Very well," She said as she recomposed herself. "I will take my breakfast with him in the main dining hall. Please, do tell our guest that I will be with him shortly."

"As you wish, your highness," The boy answered with a bow before rushing from the room.

Angel groaned loudly as soon as he was gone.

It was going to be a long day in Nutaria.

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