Chapter 3

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Sam's POV

When she hung up the phone I was terrified of what she was capable of. She's already tried this 4 years ago with overdosing. I cant imagine what she's gonna do now! I need to stop her but I don't no anyone in LA! I looked up the phone number to The Voice and called asking to speak to Adam. It was a matter of life or death. The woman forwarded me onto him and I told him who I was and what Amanda was going to do. He said he would call me once he found her. I said thank you and then he hung up. Next thing I do is pack a bag and head off towards the airport. I'm going to LA!

Adam's POV

I just got off the phone with Amanda's cousin Sam. I hope she doesn't try anything stupid. He told me shes tried this in the past. After I hung up the phone I ran through the parking lot but I couldn't fins her anywhere! I knew the hotel where everyone for The Voice stays is across the street since I stay there too. I ran up to the front desk and asked what room Amanda was in. The desk clerk said "Room 222". I laughed, thanked him and ran upstairs to room 222. I knocked frantically once I got there, no answer. I knocked again, still no answer. At this point I was terrified that once I got in there I would find a young dead girl.

Amanda's POV

I could hear someone banging on my door but I didn't care. I wrote my note and set it on the coffee table. I was sitting on the couch with a bottle of pills in one hand and a knife by my side. I opened the bottle of pills and then heard a voice, Adam's voice, he was screaming "Amanda if your sill alive and can hear me open up this fucking door right now! Listen to me. Sam called me, don't do this PLEASE!" I still had the bottle of pills in my hand. I didn't no why but I was walking to the door and I couldn't stop. I opened the door and saw Adam standing there looking as white as white can get. He saw the pill bottle in my hand. "Amanda please give me the pills." he said. I shook my head no. He held out his hand and asked again. I started to back away but he followed me in and closed the door. He saw the knife on the couch and note on the table. He stopped asking for the bottle and just walked over and hugged me. I dropped the bottle and hugged him back crying. I didn't want to live anymore because I had nothing left. Having someone hug me, comfort me, not want me to take my own life, made me realize I actually do have someone and that I'm not alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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