Sage joined them at that moment and smiled at her sister. “Hey sis, if you're going to get into a street fight, can I watch you pummel them?” The roar of the bikes leaving was Sage’s answer, what neither had seen was the nod the leader had given his crew; the plan was set in motion.

She chuckled. “Poor humans actually thought they had a chance.”

Alanna joined in the chuckle and picked up her bag, sliding her sunglasses back on and together they walked home. “So what mischief did you get into today?” She asked.

Sage chuckled. “I have a new science teacher.  He walked into the room, saw my wings and started to talk about the science of magic.”

Alanna snorted. “There is no science to magic. It is by its own definition, a mysterious or inexplicable quality.”

Sage nodded in agreement. “Try telling him that. Anyway, he then tried to explain how ma can appear out of thin air.”

Alanna cast Sage an amused look. “How?” wondering about that problem herself.

“It’s all smoke and mirrors, according to him.” Sage answered. “But I got him a hoot.”

Alanna sighed. “Enough for the school to call ma and da?”

Sage shook her head. “No. The principal listened to my class then fired the teacher, so technically I had a new teacher.”

“What did you do?” Alanna asked wearily, aware that Sage being a mixed of two completely different kinds of creatures meant that no one knew exactly what she was capable of, so she could have done almost anything.

“So I said for him to explain this in the context of science. I stood up the back and shifted. He then said the ability to shift is an illusion. I walked up to him, put my paws on his chest and shifted back, with clothes on of course, so he can’t claim sexual harassment. I then asked him to explain how I did it, which he, in turn, just stormed from the room.” Sage grabbed Alanna as they stopped to cross the road. “Alanna, you went to my school, there are more Were and Others in our school than humans. There were seven Elementals in my class; even my principal is an Elemental.”

Alanna chuckled and shook her head as they crossed, Elemental was a nice way of calling someone a witch. They had changed their name to avoid the stereotype humans had imposed on them. Elemental refers to the fact that their powers are derived from elemental categories; earth, fire, wind, water, light and dark, or any combination of those categories.

“So are you going to tell ma?” Alanna asked.

“Are you mad? She’ll clip my wings for a month and I didn’t even do anything wrong.” Sage stated fact.

"But you'll be with Dominic for the summer by then." Alanna reminded her.

Sage nodded, the odd agreement between her parents had been quickly put in place after Dominic learnt of Bianca's request for Amy and Wolfgang to take care of her only child. She spent her summers with her father at his keep on Sogol, the home realm of the Da'Vaila, which was the general name of the three races, Gephalim, Nephalim and S'ephalim. So she spent her summer with her father learning about her Nephalim heritage and the rest of the year with Amy and Wolfgang, learning about her Were heritage. "I know, but it won't stop ma from telling him and then I'll get a worse punishment than a simple grounding."

Alanna snorted in amusement, Sage loved and respected her father but according to what she had heard, he was a mean task master. They turned left and walked down a side street which was their normal short cut. Alanna sighed as she heard the roar of motor bikes.

Sage chuckled. That guy must have a serious hard-on for you.

Alanna glared at her younger sister. Goddess, you’re crude.

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