1 [closed]

195 10 17

So this first contest is:

Title: The Bad Boy and Me

Author: ivy-le

Cast: Lily Collins and Francisco Lachowski

Must include: title, your username, my username, a solid background, at least one cast member

Theme: humorous, bright, fun

(optional) Quote of your choice


1st place: follow, 10 honest comments and 30 votes (on book of your choice; you can also spread them out between your books ex: 5 comments on 1 book, 5 comments on another, 12 votes on one book, 18 on another), dedication, ad for two of your books, ability to judge next contest

2nd place: follow, 7 honest comments and 17 votes (rules for votes and comments from 1st place also apply for 2nd and 3rd place), dedication, ad page for 1 of your books, ability to judge next contest

3rd place: 5 honest comments and 15 votes, ad page for 1 of your books, ability to judge next contest

no prizes but winner for this (these) sections:

1. Overall best in font

2. Overall best in quote

3. Overall best in photo shopping skills (lighting, textures, etc.)

4. Overall best relevant picture

Deadline: 5/19/16 

HAVE FUN!!!!!!

Cover Contests [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now