The Sweetest Kiss

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(This is a dream I've had that reoccurs. I never find out who the male is, what he looks like....but I know the color of his eyes. I hope to find some closure on my endless hunt to solve this mystery.)

She looked around, wondering where she was.A different world, it seemed. A weeping cherry blossom tree, in dead center, lit by some unknown light source. She found herself drawn to it, unable to step away. Was this a memory? A wish? A want or desire? Perhaps a dream. But as she came upon the tree, she felt that this was so much more. A shadow of someone cast on the tree. A male, standing there. He had a genuine smile forever playing upon his lips. She didn't know why, but when the male offered his hand to her, she took it, and they began to waltz around the tree. If there was music, she couldn't hear or could care less, her only focus the mysterious male in front of her. His soft brown eyes forever searching her piercing green eyes. He spun her around, then gently dipped her. They stayed in that position, neither moving. Then he leaned down and kissed her. It was the most amazing kiss she had ever experienced, and would never forget. He pulled away. "Sometimes the sweetest kiss is the sweetest goodbye." His form faded into nothing. "W-Wait!" She cried out, reaching for him. No answer came. Her body began to fade too, leaving only emptiness. Now the tree stood, alone...waiting for another sweet kiss.....and sweet goodbye.

This dream of mine has been reoccuring too much!! I need help to figure this out!!

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