I mounted Castaway and stroked his head."Don't strain yourself too much,Castaway.You've only just got well,"I whispered before gazing ahead,waiting for the horn to be blown.Right on cue,a ground-rattling horn sounded.Castaway zoomed out of the Academy and headed out to sea.The rest of the riders were neck-and-neck with us.I checked Castaway's wings.He was beating his wings faster than he had ever done before."C'mon!"I mumbled,urging Castaway on.We reached the sea-stacks,where we weaved expertly between them.The saddle stretched like it was supposed to and worked perfectly.I could see Oliver and Nevaeh right on my tail.Cassie,Jessica and Zack were ahead.Suddenly,the end of the sea-stacks came."Castaway,sky!"I tugged at the saddle to make him go up.He began shooting vertically up into the sky to the clouds.Searching desperately for Gothi's house,I finally spotted it towering on a steep cliff above the Great Hall."There!"I pointed.Castaway began zooming towards it,but Zack and Cassie were right in front,blocking my view.

To my utter shock,Castaway let loose a blast of hot blue fire right at the two,making them panic and fly out of the way."Hey!"Zack yelled,glaring at me."Wasn't me,I swear!"I protested,but Zack had already made Deathroar shoot a spine at me.Narrowly dodging it,I aimed a blast directly at Zack,who almost fell off Deathroar while avoiding it."Three can play at this!"Cassie broke in,aiming a frost blast at Zack.Gothi's house loomed up surprisingly quick."Look out!"I roared at Zack.Deathroar suddenly crashed into Gothi's roof.Zack got up in a flash and was back on Deathroar in a moment."No way am I gonna lose this!"he bellowed,snatching his flag and racing off against Cassie.Castaway neared the flags on Gothi's roof and I grabbed mine and tucked it into my belt.Then we had to dive."Castaway,roll up,"I commanded.He curled into a ball and we began our frightfully dangerous descent down to earth.About three seconds later,Castaway unrolled and broke his fall by spreading his wings to slow down our falling speed.Then we raced back to the Academy and began our long lap around Berk.So far,I was in third place with Zack and Cassie in front.

Castaway's competitive spirit must've reared its head,because as soon as he saw Zack and Cassie in front,he flapped his wings till his whole body jerked and shook that I almost fell off him.Surging forward,we ended up beside Cassie and Zack.They took one glance at me and suddenly rushed forward,their dragons flying for all they were worth.Out of the blue,Castaway stopped flapping his wings and swerved to the side.He slowed down his flapping and began losing altitude."Castaway!Castaway!"I panicked.What was going on?!Why were we slowly descending downwards?!

"C'mon,Castaway.If we aren't gonna end up first,we gotta at least finish this,"I urged him.Rummaging around in my handy saddlebag,I got out some fish and fed Castaway to help him regain his strength.Eventually,he began flapping his wings again at a normal speed and we flew slowly but surely into the Academy,making our first lap and gaining the ability to collect sheep.We flew past the cheering villagers and headed straight round Berk again looking for sheep.

As we flew past the plaza,I caught sight of a white sheep huddled in a tight space between two houses."Castaway,sharp twirl,"I muttered,steering him to the sheep.As we neared the narrow space,Castaway folded in his wings and shot through the space effortlessly while I grabbed the sheep as we flew past."One point,nine to go,"I thought aloud,making Castaway grip the sheep in his claws.It bleated in fright.We flew round Berk some more before spying the other riders dead ahead.As far as I could make out,Cassie had three,Zack had three,Jessica,Oliver and Nevaeh had two and I had one.Fortunately,as they flew past the docks,they didn't see what I saw:a sheep in a crate on a fishing dock.Castaway swooped down towards it and clamped his claws on the sheep's back.I patted his head silently and kept my eyes peeled for some more sheep."There's one!"Zack shouted from ahead.Just then,I saw Jessica and Oliver arguing about something a few metres ahead of me.

"It's mine!"Oliver growled as he gestured to a sheep tucked under his arm.Jessica snatched at it and tugged at it violently,insisting,"No!It's mine!".The pair got into a tugging match,which had the poor sheep being pulled mercilessly between the two.Before I could even think,Castaway was flying faster towards the sheep."Oh no,Castaway,no!"I tried to pull Castaway away from Jessica and Oliver,but to no avail.He meant to fly in between and get the sheep.Bracing myself for the angry shouts,I watched as Castaway opened his mouth and flew in between Jessica and Oliver.Jessica gave a scream and Oliver's jaw dropped.I flew ahead with Castaway and grinned at the astounded pair behind me."Not my idea,I swear,but I agree with it,"I shouted before glancing at the white sheep in Castaway's mouth.Now,we had three sheep,which equaled to three points.Reaching the Academy,Castaway dropped the sheep into a crate that had his face painted on it.But my heart sank as I saw how crowded the other riders' crates were.Everyone else had five each despite me stealing one from Jessica and Oliver.

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