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A/N: To Be Continued Part 1
"Hey Shika, Your clan has always kind of resembled deer right?" Shikamaru nodded. "Is there a reason for that or what?" Naruto was generally curious. "I don't think so.. why?" Shikamaru rose a brow. "I was just wondering" Naruto let out a awkward laugh as he took a seat next to Shikamaru.

"Damn, why are you so troublesome Naru.." Said blonde just hummed in response and let out yawn. "Everyone and Everything troublesome for you Shika." Naruto felt himself relax into the couch. Being under a high level ninjutsu takes a lot out of you.

"Hey Shikamaru," A grunt was all Naruto got to show his pal was listening. "Is it okay if I just spend the weekend here?" Shikamaru looked up from a stain on the couch and nodded. "Sure, You and me both know my parents don't mind it when you stay over." Naruto grinned and in point five seconds Shikamaru was engulfed in a hug of gratitude. "Oi! You dumb knuckle head. Let me go." Shikamaru smiled because despite his words he really didn't want the blonde to let him go.
"You should have some clothes left over from last time, but if you don't have any." Shikamaru sighed. "I guess you can borrow some of mine if you want." Naruto shrugged his shoulders, one of his real smiles seen on his face. "Okay dattebayo. I'm gonna go on ahead." Shikamaru let out a yawn as he made his way to the kitchen. He needed to prepare himself mentally if the blonde was staying over.

"Oh and I call dibs on the bed!" Before Shikamaru could retaliate Naruto used the body flicker technique to transport himself upstairs.
The Nara groaned quietly just in response.

This wan't the first time Naruto had stayed over for a long period of time, but sharing a bed had always bothered the genius. The reason being he had a crush on Naruto and it's hard to go to sleep next to your crush and not say or do anything.
Shikamaru honestly doubted Naruto knew about his little crush since he acts so oblivious, but Shikamaru knew that Naruto could be very observant when he wanted to be.

The Genius's Observant CrushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora