Chapter 2

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I sat in the kitchen with the other members for about 30 mins until Hansol came out again, as he walked past I looked up and smiled, he just turned away like I was invisible! Mingyu lent over to me and said "just give him time, he is just nervous" " you think? Well I really hope so because I want to talk to him" I replied.
I sat there for about 15 minutes talking to Mingyu when S.coups called dinner, we walked over to the table sat down and began to eat when Hansol came and sat down beside me, I strayed to get nervous when he came closer, he whispered in my ear "meet me in the practice room after dinner" I just nodded and carried on. I wonder what he wants, 5 minutes ago he ignored me and now he wants to talk to me and to make things worse he grabbed my thigh under the table, looked at me and smiled. What does this boy want? By this point I am so confused, Hansol needs to make up his mind.
After dinner I walk over to Mingyu and tell him what Hansol said to me, he looked at me and said "he is ready, he is waiting for you now, go and meet him" I give him a friendly smile and nod as I walk off into the practice room.
I slowly make my way up the stair to the practice room, I start to shake and my mind starts to wonder; all I could think about is what he has to say to me and why? As I enter the room I see Hansol sitting down with tears in his eyes, my heart shatters and I think to myself, "what have I done?" I knock on the side of the wall and he quickly sits up, he makes his way over to me, he is staring at the ground with his Rossy cheeks. He looks up at me and I instantly get lost in his eyes, they are beautiful they are a soft brown and I feel when I look into them I can talk to him trough looking at his eyes.
Hansol finally speaks but it's not what I want to here, it breaks my heart and I think am I even good enough for him? He tells me "I'm sorry,I should never of kissed you I wasn't thinking" I looked at him with tears in my eyes he gently touched my face and then walked out. "Maybe he doesn't love me, maybe I was just getting ahead of myself" I say with tears streaming down my face like a waterfall.

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