My fault, Your Fault

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AN(Hope you enjoy, it is a sad poem)

Your fault
You fell in love with me
That accent that makes me weak.
My fault
That I had a crush on you
That I dated you.
Your fault
Because you loved me.
My fault
Because I know I told you everything personal.
Your fault
for pulling out that ring
And saying those sacred words.
My fault
For saying 'yes', for giving you my innocence.
Your fault
For bringing in your "friend" and having her bent over in front of you.
My fault
For believing everything you said, because I believed, I trusted you.
Your fault
for cheating on me and saying sorry over and over, like a broken record.
My goddamn fault
For giving myself to you,
For loving you.
For letting me jump off of that very cliff you proposed to me on, and that same sunset basking my drowning body in it's light.
My fault
For ever even meeting you.

AN(literally crying because I have been through a bad relationship a few times and I wrote poetry to numb my sadness) yours truly~alphirrie

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