PruCan Fluff #1

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((I literally just watched Just Friends and you have no idea how adorable that movie is. If you do, awesome. But dear god, even as an ass hole, Ryan Reynalds is adorable as fuck oh my god.))
((I'm so fucking inspired. But it'll be different.))
((This jumps right into the action. Enjoy.))


I sped, knowing he couldn't catch up to me. He wasn't as used to the snow as I was. He'd been gone for ten years, of course he wouldn't remember.

I leapt out of my car and raced to the front door, slamming it shut before he could even turn onto my street.

I fled up the stairs and into my room, hot angry tears falling down my cheeks.



I jumped out of the car and ran to his doorstep, pounding. He didn't answer, obviously knowing it was me. I felt anger pooling inside me, so I hit the door one more time.


Until I burst into tears.

I, the most amazing and awesome and funny Gilbert, did not cry often. But this was the perfect time to cry. Because I had been so caught up in the glamour and in my own self loving, I completely pushed him aside. And now he was über pissed at me, for being the biggest retard in the entire world.

Idiot. I'm such an idiot.


It startled me the next morning when I opened the door to get my morning paper, that a familiar German (Prussian, moreof) fell inside. He was obviously startled too, because he woke up with a very unmanly yelp. There was snow all over him.

Was he... There the whole night?


I stared at him. Then before I could stop myself, I was bawling.


I didn't know what the (excuse my French) fuck was wrong with him. Maybe he was cold, or in pain, or something, because in all my life that I'd known him, he'd never cried like that. Cried at all, actually.

Yet there he was, sobbing at my feet.


"I'm so sorry," I sputtered messily,"I-I completely dismissed you, l-like some, fucking, I don't know, fly. I-I don't deserve someone l-like you, y-youre so perfect, a-and all I wanted was to go on a date with you, d-day or night, I-I didn't really care, a-as long as I had the opportunity to tell you how amazing and handsome you are, how funny you are, h-how your smile makes my day a million times better, a-and ask you out again, and again, u-ntil I wouldn't have to ask you out, but ask you to marry me, and raise a family, and I just..."

I was such a crying mess.

"Wa-nted to tell you how much I love you."


I was frozen.


I was so scared, I thought, Maybe he doesn't share my feelings. Maybe I'm crazy.


Until this crazy thing happened.


But then he took my hand, and he pulled me to my feet. It sent little white flurries everywhere. And regardless of how disgusting I must have been...


I held him by the sides of his face and kissed him.

Fluffy FlurfsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz