Chapter 2 Meet The Band

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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP my phone wakes me up ."Hello?" I say in my groggy voice as I slowly try to sit up. "Maggie, I have great news for you!" said Colby on the phone(my new boss). "Really, what is it!" I said in more of an excited voice. "Do you listen to the radio?" "Well, yes of course" I respond. "Ok well have heard of this band called one direction?" "Yeah" I said."Well you are going to get the story on why they are all the sudden making all of these AMAZING new singles and their new album that is supposedly coming out soon!" "Oh ok, sound interesting...when do I start?" "Tonight we have a ticket for you to go to the rest of there tour and we have their schedule for you to make sure we get all of the dirty and information on them." I hang up the phone and decide that it is time for me to stop being lazy. I hop into the shower and do the normal shower stuff. After I'm done I go down stairs to see Paige has unpacked all of the stuff for the living room and got all the furniture setup just the right way. "Good morning!" she says to me. "Why yes it is, guess what?" I say in a excited voice. "What is it?" "Colby just called me and said that she wants me to do the story on one direction, isn't that awesome?" "Maggie, I thought you said that they were a bunch of nobody's that have no purpose for singing." "Wellllllll,that's how I uses to feel, thing change you know." I said in a playful and kind of serious voice. "So, how are you feeling?" Paige asked. "I'm actually doing pretty good, I thought being back here would bring back a lot of memories but I try to block them out." " what's the plan for the day? Cause I was thinking that we could do some more unpacking?" "Ok , I'm game for that, just remember that I have to leave at 5 to go to their concert." "Ok, I won't....forget that is."

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