Part 2

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It's already been a week since the funeral, and life in Ponyville had seemingly gone back to normal. Derpy Hooves delivered the mail every day, Bon-Bon and Lyra could be seen chatting in front of the bakery, and all in all everything seemed perfectly fine. However, if somepony looked closer at the scene, they would notice less spring in Derpy's step, a more hushed conversation from Bon-Bon and Lyra, and a much more solemn atmosphere overall. The loss of Ponyville's party pony struck deep in the hearts of everypony in Ponyville, even in the ponies that barely came in contact with Pinkie Pie. But it was the ponies closest to Pinkie Pie that felt the most loss...

"Where's that cotton-pickin' stripey-maned pegasus?! Ah thought there was s'posed to be a rainstorm t'day! Mah crops need waterin'!" Applejack stormed down the street in town, stopping each pony as she passed. "Y'all seen Rainbow Dash 'round here? How 'bout you over there? You three? No?" She stamped her hoof in frustration, moving over toward the Library. "Twilight! Spike? Either o' y'all home?"

The door opened and a tired looking purple unicorn stepped out. "Applejack? What's up?"

"Ya seen Rainbow Dash? It was s'posed to rain t'day, and ah ain't even seen a drop!"

Twilight sighed, shaking her head. "...I haven't seen her since... you know. She's seemed a bit... distracted since then." Applejack's expression softened. "I'll go talk to Fluttershy, AJ. She can go check on Rainbow Dash, and it'll give her something to do. She was pretty broken up, but is taking it well. I guess her time with animals has shown her how to deal with such things..."

Applejack nodded. "Thanks, sugarcube. Listen... ah... gotta go back to the farm. Ah've got lots o' waterin' to do, so ah'll see ya 'round, right?" Twilight nodded, waving a hoof as Applejack wandered off. On her way back, the farm pony paused to look at Mr. and Mrs. Cake's bakery, black ribbon hanging across the door. With a sigh, Applejack shook her head and continued home.

As soon as Applejack left her sight, Twilight Sparkle sighed and stepped back into the library to stick a bookmark inside the book she had been reading. Ever since the funeral, Twilight shut herself off from the rest of pony society, occupying her mind with studying textbooks. It's already been a week since the funeral, but Twilight could still picture the funeral as if it only happened a couple hours ago.

"How many more books are you going to read until you go outside, Twilight?" Spike asked as he picked up some of the stray books Twilight left strewn across the floor. "I know it's tough, but you gotta lighten up a little, y'know? It's already been a week after all, and Princess Celestia wouldn't want to see her favorite student moping around."

"Spike! I..." Twilight stopped herself before she said anything venomous to Spike. Because he was a dragon, albeit a baby one, he was built with tougher stuff than the average everyday pony. Besides... he wouldn't throw away his dragon pride to openly mope around like Twilight Sparkle and the other ponies.

Twilight sighed. "Yeah... you're right Spike. But you have to understand that these things take time to get over, and not everypony can be as tough as you."

"Well... Princess Celestia didn't send you to Ponyville to hide away all day. You should be outside with your friends!"

"Yeah... I guess." Twilight magically inserted a bookmark onto the page she was on, and then promptly shut it closed. "I was going to head out right now anyways to see how Fluttershy's doing, so you clean up all this mess, okay Spike?"

Spike grumbled. "Yeah, yeah..." Twilight let off a small giggle. It was good to see some normalcy despite the somber atmosphere that hung about the Library. Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath before going off on her way towards Fluttershy's house.

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