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Thanks for reading the first one, this is the second one. (sweetness overload :P)

Marcus watches Ben sleeping in his arms, his head on his chest, his right arm around his waist, his hair ruffled, his lips slightly opened.

That night, while they were cuddling and Marcus was occupied leaving a trail of soft kisses on his neck till the lobe of his ear, Ben whispered “I love you”.

It was sweet, sudden and completely out of the blue and Marcus' heart nearly exploded.

Now the singer can't sleep, or better, he doesn't want to, his plan is to stay up all night, cuddling his best friend who's asleep in his arms, caressing his back and leaving soft kisses upon his forehead and his hair.

His thumb lingers on the pianist's neck, his mind races back to the first kiss they shared several months before.

Winston and Ted had a fight over something incredibly stupid and they didn't wanna share the room, so, exceptionally, that time Marcus shared the room with Winston and Ben with Ted.

Neither the guitar player nor the pianist tho, were able to fall asleep and they met on the rooftop of the hotel.

Or better, Ben found Marcus busy smoking his fourth cigarette in half an hour.

Counting the fag butts already on the floor, he took that one from his hands and put it in his mouth.

“I'm smoking this one”, he said smiling.

“You can't sleep either?”

The pianist shook his head, taking another toke.

“It's cause you miss me, of course” Marcus joked.

Ben didn't answer, stared at his feet and kept smoking.

A few minutes passed by, in silence, then Marcus leaned against the wall.

“I think that's why I can't sleep.”

Ben, then, turned to face him, stepped closer and rested his hands on his chest, smiling.

“It's the routine. We've been falling asleep together for years now. It was strange for me too having there Ted instead of you.”

Marcus put his arms around his waist, pressing his forehead against the pianist's.

Ben moved his hands, lacing them around the singer's neck.

They stayed like that for a while, their foreheads pressed together, one in the arms of the other.

Marcus was thinking about how much he had missed Ben's smell that night and about how much he was happy like that, in silence, just staring into his eyes.

So, without putting any thoughts into it, he touched Ben's lips with his.

Ben froze, but didn't move.

The guitar player stood still, a bit surprised by his own gesture, waiting for some sort of signal from his friend.

A signal that wasn't coming.

He glanced down, embarassed, but then he felt Ben's lips on his forehead.

He looked up, finding Ben's face inches from his.

The pianist took a deep breath and then pressed his lips against Marcus'.

They stayed like that for a few seconds, trying to get used to that new feeling.

Then, Ben started placing little kisses upon Marcus' upper lip, who, by reflex, held him closer.

The singer bit Ben's lower lip, then placed a hand on his cheeck and kissed him deeply, finding Ben's mouth ready to welcome him.

Their tongues, a bit shy at first, quickly learned how to move and explored every inch of their mouths.

They spent hours kissing, breaking the contact just to catch the breath that would allow them to get back from where they stopped.

And then they never stopped again.

Suddenly, a kiss on his chest makes Marcus go back to reality.

He looks down and catches Ben's gaze, who's smiling at him.

“Why are you awake?”

The singer leans his head just enough for him to kiss him on the lips.

“I was thinking about you” he says, simply.

Ben holds him tighter, a wide smile on his face.

This is the last time (Bencus short stories)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora