Mile High

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Um, hi? (i suck at summaries)

So. This is the first story I've written for 5SOS and it's a Mashton story cause Mashton is my weakness.

I'm not very good a writing smut, so this is not amazing, but I wrote it cause me and my friends were talking about how Ashton got off the plane in Australia with a huge hickey and he was sitting next to Michael on the plane so yeah.

Here's this. There's some fluff, but it's mostly smut. It's not very long, either.


“Please, Michael?” Ashton pouted. “We can go into the handicap stall. There’s hardly anybody back here. Nobody would know!”

“It’s too risky, Ash, you know that,” Michael said softly. He placed a hand on the older boy’s thigh. “I’ll make sure to take care of you as soon as we get home.”

Ashton shoved Michael’s hand away. “That’s too long to wait! You can’t tease me like that and then do nothing about it!” he whined. Michael tried to grab his hand, but he pulled away. “No. You’re not allowed to touch me anywhere above the waist until you take care of this.” He pointed at his crotch.

Michael sighed. “You’re being ridiculous. I just want to hold your hand.”

“It’s too risky,” Ashton said sarcastically. “Someone might see.”

Michael rolled his eyes and walked over to sit by Luke.

So that’s how Ashton found himself sitting on a plane to Australia for the next fifteen hours with the biggest hard on he’s ever had. And of course he’s sitting by Michael, of course, because he loves Michael and can’t handle the flight without him. Nineteen years old, and he’s been on planes before, but he still hates them. He shifts in his seat, trying to ignore the uncomfortable tightness in his jeans.

“Relax, babe,” Michael says softly. He pulls a blanket out of his bag and puts it over his and Ashton’s laps. “Just sleep and it’ll be over before you know it.”

“I can’t sleep with a massive boner,” Ashton hisses quietly. He whines. “It’s starting to hurt.”

Michael sighs and slips his hand under the blanket to squeeze Ashton’s thigh. Ashton glares.


He’s cut off by the annoying voice of the flight attendant, telling them to buckle their seatbelts and put their bags under their seats and blah blah blah. Ashton rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat. He lets Michael’s hand stay on his thigh. It’s comforting. He puts his hand on Michael’s and squeezes.

“I hate planes,” he mumbles as they take off.

“I know, love,” Michael whispers. He runs his thumb over Ashton’s hand. “It’ll be over faster if you just sleep.”

“I’d be able to sleep if you’d sucked me off in the bathroom,” Ashton shoots back. He ignores Luke’s shocked look.

Michael chooses to ignore Ashton. Instead, he leans his head back and closes his eyes, hand still tangled with Ashton’s under the blanket.

The seatbelt sign turns off and Ashton sighs. He leans over and puts his head on Michael’s shoulder. Maybe he could get some sleep after all. He starts to yawn, but it gets caught in his throat when he feels a hand graze his crotch. He wasn’t as hard as he was when they took off, but he was still hard. Michael’s hand cups Ashton through his jeans and squeezes a little bit.

“Michael,” Ashton warns, but it’s too late.

Michael’s already got his button undone and his hand is down Ashton’s pants and he has to bite his lip hard to keep from groaning at the contact. Michael runs his thumb over the head, spreading the pre come that’s there. He starts a slow pace, moving his hand up and down, and Ashton’s had enough.

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