"And where is the cook?!" Rufus bellowed. "He needs to be ready by tomorrow night!" 

"He's out back, sire. With your daughters. They just brought in a kill." A servant muttered, cowering back a little as the large man stormed by.

"A kill?" Rufus stared at him for a moment, then started for the back of the kitchens. "How perfect! Come, Niklaus, let me show you exactly what my daughters are capable of." Niklaus, with a smirk, followed Rufus through the kitchens and out the door to where it opened up to the stables and the yard servants. Past the short stone wall, Niklaus watched Rufus raise his hands in greeting and hug his two daughters, both of whom were laughing. 

"You two need to keep your full tunics on! I will not have you running around like young boys!" Rufus scolded, giving them a very fatherly look.

Nicola smirked. "But father, no one can see us in the woods. And who would judge us, the deer we're about to kill?"

Rosalina's eyes widened as she noticed the man behind her father. She glanced down at what she was wearing, blushed, and then stepped behind her sister. Nicola noticed and followed her gaze, then allowed a cool smile to slide across her face. "Greetings, sire. And who might you be?"

"Nicola, treat him with respect." Rufus warned gently. "This is Niklaus, a chief of one of the German tribes."

Nicola merely smiled again, giving a short bow which Rosalina mimicked quickly after. Niklaus returned the bow, then commented casually, "I hear you two are the greatest hunters in all of Rome!" 

Rufus laughed. "Well, I wouldn't say that--"

"I would." Nicola stated. "We've won any competition and have always produced the most game."

"Nicola!" Her father turned to look at her in astonishment, then turned back to Niklaus. "I'm so sorry. She has yet to learn the more lady-like characteristics of high society. One of the downsides of not having a motherly figure, I'm afraid."

"Ah, but without you being the main role model in their life, they wouldn't have learned to hunt, yes?" Niklaus replied smoothly, smiling at Nicola. "My father has taught me more than my mother ever could." He made eye contact with Rosalina, who continued to blush, smiling a little before looking back down at the ground.

"Nicola! Where should we put this load?"

The group turned to look behind the stables to where a group of six men carried the rest of the deer back, the man at the front carrying two, one on each shoulder. Nicola smiled broadly as she saw them, then looked to the cook, who stood at the doorway to the kitchen. "Carvius, where would you like us to put them?"

The man shrugged, shaking his head. "Honestly, they might go bad. How are just us going to eat eight deer before they rot?"

"Actually, Carvius, I have a solution!" Rufus turned, finger raised. "We're planning to have a feast in honor of Niklaus joining us in Rome!" 

"And when will this be taking place?"

"Tomorrow night!"

The cook's mouth dropped open, staring at the senator. "Tomorrow night? Sire, you must leave me to my work, I shall not have a moment's rest!" He called to the men behind the group, "You! Bring them all here immediately!" He turned and stormed inside, waving his hands wildly and calling to the kitchen hands. The men trudged towards the door, the man in lead stopping to smile at Nicola. 

"I don't know what exercise my men will get once you stop hunting!"

Nicola smiled right back, "Maybe you could actually go running with Rosie and I sometime, like your general suggests." The man grinned at her, then continued on into the kitchen with the rest of them. 

"Who was that?" Niklaus asked. Rufus smiled.

"That's Kleon! He's been very close to our family since he was young. His father was my right hand man, back when I was young enough to ride out with the army. He's also been Nicola's friend since they were, oh, eight I'd say?"

Niklaus nodded, wheels in his head churning. "Ah, I see. Well, I shall retire now and leave you to your planning." He turned to smile at Rosalina. "I'll see you later, dear." Then he turned and walked away, listening to the sound of her heartbeat beating faster in her chest.

"Klaus, you can't be serious."

Niklaus stayed seated, fingering the quill pen he held in his hands. His brother, Elijah, continued to pace around the room angrily.

"Niklaus and Rosalina. It has a sort of ring to it, yes?" Klaus murmured, watching the feather.

"They're just children! The elder is barely 19!" Elijah sat, looking from Klaus to Kol. "We're really going to just take their entire lives away from them just to use them as our game pieces?"

Kol looked to Klaus, then nodded. "Yes, that seems to be the plan."

Elijah sighed and shook his head, dropping it to study the grooves in the table. "I don't know how I feel about this…"

Kol smiled and sat forward. "Then you won't be the one to turn them. I gladly will."

Klaus raised his gaze to the fireplace. "The younger one will be easier. She's young and quiet, and I should win her over easily without having to use much compulsion. As soon as we have left with her, I'll send Kol back for Nicola. Simple as that."

Elijah stared at him. "Have you considered the possibility that either of them could be a ripper? Their transformation could be detrimental to any civilization in a hundred mile radius."

Kol shrugged with a cheeky smile. "I don't see how that's a problem."

"That's a problem because we didn't come here to destroy any cities or villages! It would allow Mikael to know where we are!" Elijah exploded, flying out of his seat and slamming his hands on the table. "Yes, he may be after Klaus, but he would tear apart anyone who stands in his way! I'm just trying to make sure I don't end up like our dear brother, buried six feet under!"

Klaus narrowed his eyes. "It's under control, Elijah. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

"For your sake, brother," Elijah replied just as coldly, "I hope you do."

((Chapters are going to be a little shorter after this, just wanted to set up the story well for you guys.))

The Carvagi Sisters: Book One--The RiseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя