Part 2

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Every night i would lay in my bed wide awake wondering what you are doing and at that moment, time seems to stop as i cannot connect all the dots leading to a prompt answer.
I think about all the possibilities that could exist in the different realities offered to us. But even that doesn't seem to guide me to you.
I pray to all the known Gods that they enlighten my path on my way to you so that i can see clearly the peddles you could have dropped on your way and still nothing.
Sometimes i even force myself to sleep hoping that i would meet you in my dreams but all i dream about is me losing you on that first night we met.
I am being haunted by the memories of you and my sole consolation is the memory of your perfume that have been imprinted on my skin.
I can promise you midnight lover that even beyond my last breath i shall not stop looking for you...

My undiscovered loverWhere stories live. Discover now