Chapter 2. New People [Edited]

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The door to the small apartment burst open as Emi and two other people came crashing through the doorway. Your head spun in the direction of the noise, as did Urushihara's.

"Can you guys not figure out the door either?!"

You giggled slightly at the boys comment and watched as Emi made her way over towards you. The other two people fell to the floor with a groan from each of them. With a slightly worried look crossing upon your face, you carefully crawled over towards the figures on the ground. A few strands of your (H/C) hair fell into your face which you blew to the side in annoyance. Emi stopped in her tracks and let out a sigh as she knelt down beside you. She laughed lightly as you looked up at her and ceased your crawling to sit up and frown slightly. Your bright (Eye Color) colored eyes moved over the figures, your face giving Emi a confused and worried look. She shook her head and spoke without you having to say anything.

"They're fine. No need to worry about those useless idiots."

"Thanks for that, Emi."

One of the figures let out a grunt as they pulled themselves to their feet. The greenish black hair that sat atop their head swayed slightly. Turning their head to face you, you noticed the bright red eyes staring at you. With a raised eyebrow you tilted your head to the side a bit in confusion. You had never seen a person with that color of eyes before. That said, his eyes were much like Urushihara's. You had never seen such eyes on anyone. You shook your head and looked at the other male who had pushed a few strands of his blond hair away from his brown eyes. The blonde stood up and dusted himself off while giving a harsh glare to Emi. The red eyed male narrowed his eyes at Emi and folded his arms across his chest.

"You know you really didn't have to start screaming at me. That girl wouldn't be hurt if you hadn't stormed out of here like a bull and fallen down those stairs."

"You shut up. Don't you go telling me what to do, you pathetic demon."

A frown crossed your face as you watched the exchange between the two. They looked like an old married couple.

Without you noticing, the blonde haired male had moved closer to you and was watching you intently. You turned to him and slowly stood up with a slight wince. The male frowned and moved a step closer, much to Emi's disapproval.

"And just what do you think you're doing, Ashiya?"

"Relax, Hero. I'm not going to do anything to her. I'm simply making sure she's alright. Now then. ."

The male turned to look at you with a gentle smile on his face.

"Are you feeling any better, milady?"

You gave him and nod as you looked around the apartment once more. The male was much taller than you and you had to crane your neck upwards to get a decent look at him.

"Yes. . I'm fine. But um. . Might I ask who you are?"

"Ah yes of course. I'm Shirō Ashiya. It's a pleasure to meet you. . . "

"______. ______ ______"

"Ah. A pleasure, ______"

You smiled slightly at the male and looked over his shoulder towards the other man. You looked to Ashiya for a little help and he raised his arm up, motioning towards the black haired male.

"And that fine man over there is Sadao Maou."

Maou lifted a hand and gave you a wave, which you returned with a smile and a wave as well. Emi gently tapped your shoulder as you turned your head to look over at her. In her arms was a simple (Preferred Color) colored jacket. She smiled and held it out to you.

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