To new begginings

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This chapter includes mature content: alcohol,drugs,abuse,death so if these things offend you please do not read.

It's the 21st of January and tomorrow I'll be adopted. I'm looking in the mirror I'm now Emma Brie McVey. But I still see the little five year old sitting at the top of the stairs watching my older brother leave the house at two in the morning, I hear the door slam and I can see an orange flame flicker in the dimly lit room below me. I can smell the drugs smoke leaking from my mothers mouth, she looks a mess but I've never seen her any different. All my friends mums weren't like mine I thought it was so cool. I'm leaning against the wall when the lights go out. I close my eyes and hug my knees rocking back and fourth. I'm crying silently and I start whispering 'if you're happy and you know it'
I hate flash backs I'm now crying I still remember it like it was yesterday.
I hear a bottle smash and my mothers desperate cries, my dads shouting but I can't hear a word he says it's just a constant piercing ring getting louder and louder. There's smoke surrounding me but it's not from my mothers drugs I can see the flames dancing and my mother struggling to get free. My fathers still shouting but I can't hear him. I try to run but I find the stairs I tumble down them hitting my head on the hard floor. I can hear again now, I can't hear my mums screams or see her. My dads stumbling towards me and everything goes blurry. He grabs my neck and holds me against a wall. " EmmaBella, princess. You're mummy's dead. She was a slut and was very bad." He emphasises the word 'slut' his grip tightens making me gasp for air.
"It's okay though, you can stay with me we'll have lots of fun together" He slurs.
I hear sirens and he drops me, I hit the floor and I see him run. I can't move. I see fire surround me and then everything goes black.

I'm screaming and Lacey runs up the stairs, she holds me close as I continue to scream, tears running down my face. This will never go away, it will stay with me forever, this part of me. This who I am.

I look up at the stars from my bedroom window in silence. It's beautiful. My mother died that night, she was burnt to death. Her screams will always haunt me. Was it a suicide? Did my father kill her? Nobody will ever know. Did my father escape? Or is he in prison? And who knows where my brother is now, I doubt he even remembers me. I look around my now bare brown room, the colour of my eyes. The eyes that have seen haunting things. I look up at the stars one last time. Tomorrow I'll be in a family again.

Sorry this chapter was short. In the
next chapter Emma will go and live with The Vamps. So yeah.

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