Chapter 9 - Ash's Darkest Secret

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"That is true. But there is something else" Oak said, everyone in the room looked at him. "What was it?" They asked. "Apparently, something happened which caused to Pokemon with the Mutated Energy to change, the files didn't say what, but it said that afterwards. Team Rocket were unable to control it" Oak explained. Everyone but Ash went wide eyed in worry. "It said that it slowly adapted to using it's new strength and broke out against Team Rocket and fled" Oak explained. "It also said that all Team Rocket Members were to look out for it and destroy it on sight" Oak finished.

"So that means Team Rocket want to kill it too?" Iris asked. "Yes" Oak answered as he nodded. "Did the files say what the Pokemon was or what it looked like?" Gary asked. "No, I couldn't find any information on it" Oak answered. "Then how will we know what we're looking for?!" Calem asking in a loud voice. "I don't know Calem. But something we know is that it is really strong. So we need to be more prepared" Oak answered. "I have gotten in touch with all of the other units and they have said they will be prepared for if the Pokemon appears" Oak added.

"You know" Ash said out of the blue. Everyone quickly looked at him. "There are a few things you're missing" He said as he looked up. "What do you mean?" Oak asked. "For starters. Team Rocket have been also been trying to get more Pokemon to adapt to the Energy. But apparently, they have had no successes. All of them died before they could adapt to the energy" Ash explained. "If that's true then we may be in luck. That means we only need to worry about the one, rouge, Pokemon" Oak said.

"And that's the second thing you're mistaken about" Ash said as he looked at Oak with an emotionless stare. "Again, what do you mean?" Oak asked. "Subject triple O, one" Ash said. "The files are right. Team Rocket once controlled it. But they can't any more. It was able to defeat a lot of Team Rocket Members and escaped" Ash explained. He then turned his head from side to side and looked at everyone. "Calem. You said you wanted to know why I know about the Mutated Pokemon Energy. This Subject triple O, one" Ash started. "Isn't a Pokemon" Ash said. "What?!" Everyone asked in shock. "It's me" Ash stated. "I'm the one Team Rocket injected with the Mutated Pokemon Energy" Ash finished. "What!!!" Everyone in the room shouted. Oak backed away from him. "T-That's. Not possible. If that was true, then how are you" Oak said in shock. "It said I went rouge...Not mad" Ash said. "I've been spending the last 3 years fighting Team Rocket for what they did to me. And I'm not stopping until this war is over for good" Ash said in a angry tone. Everyone was shocked even more at the sudden change in Ash's tone.

Calem quickly reacted my taking a gun from his belt and pointing it at Ash. "Calem! What are you?" Serena asked. "I knew we couldn't trust this guy! He's Team Rocket's Pawn!" Calem shouted. Hearing the word "Pawn" made Ash get angry. "I had a bad feeling about him when we first met him! Now I know I was right to" Calem added. "What's to say Team Rocket aren't still controlling him, and this is all planned to defeat us from the inside" Calem finished. "Well I won't let it!" Calem shouted. He then shot his gun towards Ash. "Ash!" Serena shouted as she looked at him. Everyone else looked at Ash to see he had moved his head slightly to the right and there was a bullet hole in the wall where his head once was.

"Listen to me, trigger happy!" Ash shouted. To the shock of everyone, he disappeared and then quickly reappeared in front of Calem. "I am not part of Team Rocket! I was never part of Team Rocket!" Ash shouted. "When this war started, they kidnapped me and my family! They tortured me because I refused to give them information!" Ash shouted. "When they finally made that Mutated Pokemon Energy! They injected me with it because they wanted to see if it could work on humans!" Ash continued. "I went through 2 weeks of hell as the energy adapted to me! After that they used me to kill and destroy!" Ash shouted. "But I broke from their control and I escaped!" Ash added. "So you can think what you want! but don't! You! Dare! Think that I would be part of Team Rocket!" Ash finished, he now had anger all over his face. Calem just looked at him with a mixture of emotions.

Ash angrily turned around and left the room. A few seconds later they all heard the door open and slam shut. "Ash, wait!" Serena shouted as she ran after him. She ran to the door and opened it, went outside and closed it again. She saw Ash going around a corner and ran after him. "Ash!" Serena shouted. "What did Calem do that for. He...He tried to kill him" Serena said in her head.

In the house, everyone was looking at Calem in confusion, disappointment and worry. Calem was just standing on the spot, he was disappointed in himself. "Calem. Why did you do that?" Oak asked him. "I-I...I just thought" Calem slowly said. "Should we go after them?" Misty asked. "No" Oak said. "I think it'd be best to leave this to Serena" Oak added. "Besides. I think we have somethings to talk about ourselves" Oak finished as he looked towards Calem. Everyone else looked at him as well.

To be continued....
(Authors Notes)

Hello everyone. It's Poke_Fan97 here. Thank you for reading this chapter, so what did you guys think. Tell me in the comments.

Well then, it turns out Ash is the subject Team Rocket injected with the Mutated Pokemon Energy. But is that all there is to know about Ash or is there more to his past.

I hope that you can leave a like/vote and tell me what you thought about this chapter. Thank you again for reading this chapter and see you in the next chapter.

See you....

To Fix a Broken Soul - Amourshipping (Ash and Serena)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz