Chapter 1

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I close my eyes and run.

Why am I running?

I know the answer.

I look behind me and I was right.

A large, black figure is behind me and is running after me.


'What?' I shout, tears in my eyes.

'Summer, I have to tell you something'

I don't want to know what it wants to tell me. I run faster.

'Just stop for a second and look at me...please.'

I turn around and see how that black figure changes. I know I am dreaming. This can't be true.

'What are you doing here, mom?' I ask.

'I want to talk to you. It's important.'

I stop and want to listen to her but it's too late. I scream her name while i fall down and down and down...


I wake up in a small room without windows, without doors.

Here's nothing except a bed, me, the hospital gown i am wearing and these blue walls.

I scream so someone hears me but no one answers.

I scream louder and louder and kick against the wall, but nothing happenes.

After a few hours i get tired and decide to sleep.

I don't want to be awake when i die.

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