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Jessie's POV

Finally like it hang been long enough. The concert was actually here like really here. Amy and I had been out shopping all morning searching for the perfect outfit.

I ended up getting some faded jean shorts, a white shirt which a print on it which I tucked in as well as a pair of comfy retro boots. I ended up wearing my long blond hair in a perfect messy bun even though it took like 100 times with a black loose headband. I loved it!!

Amy took longer then me to find what she wanted but ended up wearing a black mid-length skirt with a light blue jean button up shirt tucked in as well. She got a pair of black sandals and wore he short brown hair down strait.

We were so lucky that Amy knew some people so we had our makeup done and it was all so perfect!

"Omg we're heerrrreeee!" screamed Amy even though it was barley audible above all of the teen fan girl screams.

"I can't wait to meet my future husband" I said in awe.

We were pretty at back in the line so it took ages to get in. Amy and I hadn't talked much in the line because we had decided to save our voices for the concert. we pushed through the crowd to find our seats. after numerous amounts of elbowing we actually got there. there were two older girl sitting right in our seats.

"HEY!!" shouted Amy "move there our seats!"

The two girls looked over at us with the most stuck up expression I have ever seen.

"What the hell move don't give me that look!" I shouted at them angry since we had found pretty good seats.

"Sorry these seat are occupied I guess you'll have to find some where else to sit" the girl closest to us said.

I was about to launch at them when I felt someone pulling me back. I turned around to see that it was only Amy. Her face had turned serious I don't know why cause she isn't the girl to act in these situations.

"If there taking our seats we're taking someone else's" she said in a very serious voice. She continued to look for a seat pushing past the people. as everyone found there seats the crowed thinned so there wasn't much pushing until there wasn't any at all. We still hadn't found a seat and the first band (or whatever you call it) was already half way through.

After another 10 minutes of looking we finally found a seat but it was in the worst place ever. my whole day had jut gone from amazayn to the worst day if my life just like that and there wasn't anything that could fix it.

Amy and I had only just sat down and the first band finished.

Amy's POV

Are you serious why would people even do that I mean I'm pretty sure that should be illegal actually I think it is. Stealing seats is so unfair we paid for them well I'm sure one direction wouldn't a like their fans stealing from each other right. Gosh what am I going on about.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!" all of a sudden the crowd give off a piercing shriek and THEY come on stage I shot up with Jess and gave off my own high pitched scream. 'You don't know you're beautiful started playing. Such a classic who'd of known they'd start with that.

It sucks I can beirly see them now apart from the big screen behind them.

They played about 10 more songs as I nearly died in each one hearing Louis voice (my fav) they ended with a slower song 'change my mind'.

Sadly it was over and wasn't nearly as good as I should have been :(.

Jessie's POV

Zayn oh Zayn so close yet so far why oh why can't we be together. I loved it but wish it could lay forever. If it weren't for those stupid girls I would have been a million times better but no they had to get in our way.

It took about half an hour to actually get out if the place knowing that we wouldn't see them again for a while.

" Hey Jess do you want to grab something to eat we didn't get to before hand" said Amy

"Yeah sure you know I love my food!"

"Do you just want to go to Nandos it just around the corner?" she asked nearly pleading

"Yeah sure you never know Niall might be there" I said jokingly

"Haha I doubt anyone would be there at this time"

"That's true it pretty late" I said worried that it might be shut already

We eventually got there and to my surprise it was open at 11:30. We walked in and Amy got a table as I went and ordered our favorite.

I sat down with her and looked around. The place was pretty empty apart from 5 occupied tables.

We ate quietly as it felt auk ward to talk and just as we were about to get up and leave Niall, Zayn and Harry walk in!

Finding Zayn a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now