Hogwarts Letter

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The red stone necklace bounced ferociously against my elegant black jacket as I trotted down the streets of Paris. Sacs of fruit dangled from my gloved hands. Muggles surrounded the already tight space around me.

Only a couple days after Christmas, Maman had me food shopping. It felt like the coldest, most frigid day of the year. Although a sweet man bundled in layers of clothing sat by a stand selling bracelets. I could not help but slow down to peek at them.

"Salut," the man greeted, keeping his eyes on me longer than he should.

"Salut," I replied, grinning warmly. "Ça va?"

"Bien, bien. Et toi?"

"Trés bien, merci."

I hardly paid attention when I was answering because a marvelous blue bracelet fascinated me. "Combien?" I asked, and he gave me a response that was perfect. All the money I had left would go to this bracelet. It had some diamond-looking charms and eiffel tower replicas dangling.

"Je voudrais ce bracelet, s'il vous plaît."

The salesman snapped out of his trance. "Bien sûr!" he said repeatedly.

I flashed him a smile as we exchanged the money and bracelet. "Merci," I thanked, beginning to walk away.

Not too much distance put itself between the stand and myself before I heard, "Mademoiselle!"

Slowly, I faced the Muggle merchant. However, I still kept my charming face as I grinned sweetly. "Oui?"

The merchant took a deep breath before asking, "Voulez-vous aller danser? Ce soir?"

Anyone could see he looked nervous. He looked like he was on fire, even though it began snowing a few minutes go. "Je suis désolée. Je ne peux pas ce soir, et je pars demain."

I felt guilty having to turn down the innocent Muggle's offer to go dancing, but I was to leave for Beauxbatons the day after tomorrow for the next term. No need to get his hopes up.

His face faltered. "D'accord," was all he said, and he said it curtly.

I happily continued my walk home. My curls bounced against my shoulder as I moved at a quick pace. Once I arrived, a woman with her dog frolicked down the apartment building's stairs. The puppy's tail wagged faster from seeing its first stranger of he day. A smile formed of on my face.

"Bon aprés-midi," I greeted, and she returned the same. By now we were at opposite ends of the staircase and went along with our day. The door unlocked before me.

"Salut, Maman! Je suis maison!" I called out.

"Meredith Bosque! What 'ave we deescussed!" Maman shouted.

The mail on the counter jumped out at me. Douglas Clifton. It had his address the same as my own. "J'ai oblié."

Maman wanted me to speak only English within the walls of this apartment. I found it agitating, but also found it helpful and useful.

"Zen why are you steel doing eet?" Her accent was much stronger than my own. On occasion, I had trouble myself trying to fathom the words coming out of her mouth. Though more importantly, why was Douglas having his mail sent here?

Him and my mother hadn't been together for long. I did not even like him. Douglas tried immensely to replace my father. Once, he'd even told me he was going to be exactly like Dad, only better. When I had screamed my ears off at him for it, I got in trouble.

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