Omg is he really asking for a second chance? After all of the stuff he said to me. Why does he even want a second chance though, he barely even knows me? Why would he even want to go out with me, he could have anyone he wants, why me I'm just plain old Desiree.

He probably just wants to get to know his competition, ya that's definitely it, he wants to try getting into my head so that he will always be on top... I don't know how that would help him but I'm sure it would!

But he is being kinda serious you can see it in his eyes, those gorgeous green emerald eyes that even in the dark seem to shine, his brown lushes hair too, honestly i just want to run my hands through it.

And he didn't have that bad of a looking chest either as I saw his six pack through his tight fitted shirt he was wearing, ugh snap out of it Desiree he is a jerk and self absorbed and treats people like there below him, you don't want to be with a guy like that

...Or do I?

"Desiree, helloooo?"

Omg have I been staring at him this whole time! Great now he's going to think I actually like him because I have been ogling at him, I mean I have to admit I am pretty attracted to him but I don't want him knowing that!

As I finally snap out of it I notice we are not on the dance floor anymore and are siting in a lounge area, God I need to stop blanking out.

"Ya sorry"

He gave me a smirk as he said, "dang I must really look good tonight for the girl who apparently hates me to be checking me out"

"Ugh I was not checking you out. Your so full of it!"

"Oh am I, so if you staring me up and down was not that then what was it?" Still with the smirk, you know the one.

"I...I...ugh never mind I got to go find my friends it's getting late"

And I got up and started to walk out, I felt Bradley's hand yank me backwards and pulling me in close with my back against his chest as he whispers in my ear.

" you didn't answer my question, and by the way you were checking me out I'm pretty sure I know what your answer is"

Wow he is just so confident and persistent for that matter, uhhh I really want to put down his ego, I mean I know it's mean but he brings the worst out in me!

"Oh you mean in disgust then ya you should know what my answer is" I said smirking at him.

"You know what I'm done asking, your going to dinner with me next Friday, I know you like me weather you want to admit it or not."

"Ummm sorry to burst your bubble but I don't take orders, especially from you!"

Right when he was about to say something else, probably to try and make up for ordering me, Betty shouts out to me to tell me that everyone is leaving.

I turned to face Bradley and said " I have to go maybe ill see you around"

"Oh you definitely will because we are not finished" he said thinking he was so charming. I just rolled my eyes, smiled and walked away.


I'm really excited about today, i have been so busy with meetings and my own book signing I haven't had a day for myself in weeks. That's why today I'm taking a me day, I'm going to go to my favorite coffee shop on 5th Ave, where I will be starting to write my new book.

I recently just bought a loft in New York because I really like it hear and this is where all of my colleges are, so it's a smart move in my plans.

The only thing that's kinda been in the back of my mind, well not really its been all i can think about, is Bradley. I haven't talked to him since that night, and I'm surprised considering how persistent he was on trying to go out with my. I don't even know why I'm thinking about him, he probably found someone else to flirt with and that's why.

Huff... Why did this have to happen to me, I was perfectly fine before I met him. He is keeping me unfocused, I just have to concentrate today on my writings and erase him from my mind.

As I get in my car I called Betty to see if she wanted to grab a coffee before I started working. Once she agreed I went by the hotel to pick her up.

"Hey!" Betty said as she stepped into the car, " I want to run something by you and feel free to say no."

"Um ok what's up?!", I say curious to know what she is thinking

"So I was thinking... My job is wherever you are basically so I was thinking of staying here with you too, and I was wondering if you wanted to share that lonely loft with your besty, who will split the rent with you."

I almost jumped out of my seat with excitement as I said very loudly and frantically, " THAT WOULD BE AMAZING, I WOULD LOVE IT FOR US TO BE ROOMIES!"

"Lol ok, I knew you would say yes but I wanted to ask right now because I would really like to check out of that hotel soon!"

"I can imagine your basically living out of a suitcase. Ok so after the coffee lets get your stuff and put it in the loft and then go furniture shopping, I needed to do it anyways because the loft is empty!"

"No it's ok I can move in, in like a few days or something I know you wanted to start writing today and as your agent I am obligated to encourage you to do it."

"Ugh fine your right, but you will be moving in tonight and we will go furniture shopping next week!"

"Ok perfect!"

We pull in, finally, into the parking lot the coffee shop. And for the first time in the weeks since I met Bradley I wasn't thinking of him, I was to excited about Betty to think about a guy that I hopefully won't see any time soon.

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