Louis was kissing him again.

Not even a minute later, the principal had called them In his office and told them to sit in the big, black chairs.

"What have I told you about PDA?" Mr. Cowell asked.

"To never do it again. We're not allowed to hug unless it's a hug from the side, kiss, snog, or hold hands." Niall and Louis said in unison.

"Then why do you keep doing it?" Mr. Cowell questioned.

"Because we're in love." They replied.

Niall looked at Louis, Louis did the same with Niall.

"Awwweeee." They cooed at each other and leaned in for another kiss before being rudely disrupted by the principal.

"Hey! No! Bad!! No!" Mr. Cowell grabbed something from underneath his desk, a spray bottle filled with water, and began squirting it at their faces.

"Bad!! No!! No!" Mr. Cowell scolded as if the two were cats.

"Okay, good. No more kissing! We talked about this last time and if it happens again, I'm calling your parents." Mr. Cowell warned.

#After Fifth Period#

The couple had heard the bell ring loudly from their two different classrooms, Louis in English and Niall in Band.

They had sprinted out of the rooms, Niall quickly clicking his trumpet case shut and throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

Once they saw each other, they had walked slowly to one another and hugged from the side just to make sure they wouldn't get caught.

They heard the now loud whispering of the students in the halls, most of them consisting of the sentence

"Did you hear, Louis and Niall are gonna do it tonight."


"Louis is apparently gonna be Niall's first, that's so sweet. Why can't you be like Richard!"

But pretty much the whole school was talking about the two and how they're gonna have sex tonight just because that one girl overheard everything.

The two ignored the whispers and a few homophobic guys.

They just walked with each other, hand in hand;

Heart To Heart.

#After School At Lou's House#

"Louis, are you sure your parents won't mind?" Niall asked, his foot tapping lightly on the front porch.

Louis told Niall that his parents would be home during the whole situation but Louis insisted that his parents would be fine with it; as long as Louis wasn't going to do it with a girl (They didn't want to risk teen pregnancy and they knew they're son was bisexual), they kept it down (Unlike last time), and they had to make sure that Louis loved Niall (That's always been a tradition in their family, losing your virginity to your one and only lover which Louis didn't; he lost it to his ex.).

"Yes sweetie, I swear." Louis replied.

Niall breathed deeply as Louis twisted the doorknob and walked in, facing his parents which were seated in the couch; watching the television.

"Mum. Dad. You know how I talked about bringing someone over so we could... You know." Louis questioned, Niall stood behind him as the parents look at Louis.

"Is he here?" Louis' mum asked, standing up in the process, along with Louis' dad.

"Yeah. Meet Niall." Louis introduced and stepped to the side which revealed a blushing Niall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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