Chapter 2

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After recovering from what had happened earlier, Sunset Shimmer placed the book, and the happy ending pages on the table. After a minute of thinking, Sunset Shimmer said "Maybe I better put the book, and the pages on the shelf. At least until someone can shed a little light on this situation." "Agreed." Rarity said. But before Sunset Shimmer can do it, a blue light flew in through the window, and took on the form of a young woman with transparent wings, blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a light blue dress, blue shoes, and holding a magic wand. "Oh, my." Fluttershy said in wonder. "It's The Blue Fairy from Pinocchio!" The Blue Fairy looked down on Sunset Shimmer, and said "Sunset Shimmer, you had learned the magic of friendship. And you were able to choose between right and wrong. Did you do something wrong today?" Sunset Shimmer's face turned red with embarrassment, and said "Well...I...uh....I did tear out these pages. But I was only trying to...I mean it's just a book!" "Just a book?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "Was Pinocchio just a book?!" "Stories are more than just books, darling." Rarity said. "Stories are real to those who read them." "Rarity is right." The Blue Fairy said. "Once a story is read, it becomes alive in the imagination of the person who heard the story." "And we all use our imagination to tell the stories in our own unique way!" Pinkie Pie said. "By removing the happy endings, the heroes were left in perial, and the villains put in control." The Blue Fairy said.

The girls gasped in horror, and Twilight Sparkle looked at Sunset Shimmer, and said "I TOLD YOU this was a bad idea! Now look what you've done!" "Compared to this, I feel better about the Fall Formal incident." Sunset Shimmer said sadly as she began to feel guilty. "Look, calm down, will you?" Rainbow Dash said "Maybe if we put the happy endings back with their stories, everything will go back to normal." "No, no." The Blue Fairy said. "The villains have already started to change the stories. You girls are going to have to travel into the stories to fix them." "Aw, shucks, miss Blue Fairy, we can do that." Applejack said. "I hope." "We can if we work together as a team." Sunset Shimmer said. The Blue Fairy then casted a spell on the book, and disappeared into thin air. "Oh, my. People come and go so quickly." Fluttershy said. "Well, enough of that." Twilight Sparkle said. "Let's get to work!" "Agreed." Sunset Shimmer said. She opened the doors on the book, and she and her friends screamed as they were sucked into the portal. As they flew through the portal, Sunset Shimmer said "Our first stop is the story is Dumbo. He's a baby elephant who lives in the circus. His ears are so big that the everyone teases him. But then he discovers that his ears are what makes him special. He can use them to fly. That's why they call him Dumbo The Flying Elephant."

The portal then tossed them into the story of Dumbo. They looked around them to see that everything was so different. The sky was dark, and clown stuff were all over the place. They looked up to see a clown-shaped tent with the mouth as the entrance as Fluttershy said "Oh, I don't like this." "Well, this is what happens when a bunch of clowns take over." Rainbow Dash said. As they walked to the tent, they heard The Ringmaster say "Villains and villainesses. Please, give a nasty, cold welcome to Dumbo The Falling Elephant!" Then, they heard the drumroll, and they heard Dumbo falling into a bucket of water. After that, they heard the villains and villainesses laughing at him as they approached the curtain. They walked inside to see Ms. Jumbo all chained up, and looking very sad. "Hello, Ms. Jumbo." Fluttershy said. "Why the long trunk?" "Because tonight, the audience is filled with villains who just laugh at the most dreadful things. And worst of all, Dumbo can't fly anymore, but the clowns keep forcing him to do his high-dive act, just so they can keep the audience entertained." "Don't worry, Ms. Jumbo." Sunset Shimmer said. "We can fix this. We just need a plan." Rainbow Dash saw some clowns, and said "And I have one! We can disguise ourselves as clowns, and we can fix the act, so that Dumbo can fly again."

"That's a great idea, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight Sparkle said. They quietly went behind some crates, and when the clowns walked by, they grabbed them, pulled them in, and knocked them out. They came out wearing clown costumes, and makeup as Fluttershy said "I hope this works." "It will." Sunset Shimmer said. The Ringmaster walked in on them, and said "Hey! The act's about to start, now get ready!" "Yes, sir!" The clown girls said at the same time. They ran to the center ring, and Rainbow Dash said "Pinkie Pie, you'll be the one that hits the clown. Twilight and Fluttershy, you two will hold the trampoline over a bucket of water. Applejack, you'll roll the beach ball in the middle. And Sunset Shimmer, you'll fire the cannon over the ring of fire, and onto the spring box, sending the clown onto the firetruck, and getting him stuck." "Ok, let's do this!" Pinkie Pie said. Sunset Shimmer set the cannon over the ring of fire, Applejack rolled the beach ball in the middle, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy held onto a trampoline over a bucket of water, and Pinkie Pie grabbed a piece of wood. Dumbo looked at Pinkie Pie in fright, but she smiled, and whispered out "Don't worry. We're here to help." Dumbo sighed with relief. Then, the show started as The Ringmaster said "Villains and villainesses. Please, give a nasty, cold welcome to Dumbo The Falling Elephant!" Pinkie Pie smiled, and wacked the clown in front of her on the butt, sending him down onto the trampoline. He then landed and rolled on the beach ball, and it stopped at the end, sending him into the cannon. Sunset Shimmer then fired the cannon, sending him flying over the ring of fire, and onto the spring box. He flew off the spring box, and got stuck in the firetruck. Dumbo then jumped off the building, and flew around, much to the dismay of the villains and villainesse as they booed, and The Ringmaster stared in shock. The girls regrouped, and Sunset Shimmer said "Quick! Let's get out of here before The Ringmaster figures out what happened. They took off their clown costume and makeup, ran out of the tent, and jumped into the portal that took them back to their own world.

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