Chapter 2

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The sun was already high in the sky when Clary opened her eyes. A sunbeam was coming in through the window at the end of the room casting a sort of glow onto Jace's sleeping figure. She sat up slowly as to not wake him up so She could get some breakfast. Carefully pulling the covers back and getting out of bed she tiptoed towards the door when she heard a slight rustle of the blankets on the bed. "And just where do you think you're going?" Jace mumbled sleepily. "I was going to get some breakfast." Clary replied sheepishly. "Then I'm coming with you." He said hopping out of bed with a sudden burst of energy. Clary just rolled her eyes as he shuffled over while rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Umm, you might want to put a shirt on if we are going downstairs." Clary pointed out to Jace. "Umm, you might want to take my shirt off if we are going downstars, but I don't think anyone will be up yet." Jace casually mentioned. "What time is it?" Clary asked. "About quarter after nine." Jace replied. "Well then let's go!" Clary said excitedly. Jace let out a chuckle before grabbing clary in a big hug and kissing her forehead. "Yes, let's go."

They walked downstairs as carefully as they could without waking any of the other shadowhunters in the house. As soon as they made it to the kitchen Clary ran over to the fridge where she found a basket of eggs and assorted vegetables. "I'm making us scrambled eggs, okay?" she told Jace who just nodded and poured himself a glass of orange juice and sat at the kitchen table. She softened the vegetables in a pan on the gas stove before cracking the eggs into the pan to cook with the vegetables. once everything was cooked she put it on two plates for her and Jace. They ate in silence until they heard squeaking on the stairs. Clary gave Jace a worried look who relied with a simple grin. A moment later Simon shuffled in rubbing his hair. He too was also missing a shirt. "What the hell is going on in here?" He practically shouted. "It's called breakfast, vampire." Jace replied sarcastically. "I know what it is but he doesn't have a shirt on and you appear to be wearing his if I'm correct." He said addressing Clary now. not a second after he said that Isabel walked in wearing Simon's 'made in Brooklyn' t-shirt. "Morning babe." She said with her eyes closed not knowing that there were more people in the room. "I sure hope your talking to him and not me." Jace replied to Isabel. "By the angel what is happening in here!?" Isabel exclaimed. "We were just finishing our breakfast and going back to our room." Clary interrupted everyone. She took her's and Jace's plate over to the sink and grabbed Jace's arm to stand him up. "Ooh something kinky happened last night didn't it Clary?"
"I could say the same thing to you Isabel. We will get out of your way now, good morning." Clary ushered Jace out of the room and up the stairs to their room.
"That was a little embarrassing wasn't it?" Jace laughed when they got back into their room. "That was the most embarrassing thing I've ever experienced in my whole life." Clary sighed as she flopped down onto the bed. "That can't be true!" Jace stated. "Its true." She replied. Jace laid down beside her on the bed. Clary moved so her head rested on Jace's soft chest. He automatically started running his hands through her fiery red hair. They stayed like that for a while, neither one saying anything, just enjoying each others presence.

At around ten thirty clary sat up and told Jace that she needed to shower because he was going to the hall today to talk with the council members about the new logo for them. Jace kissed her one last time before she left the room to shower. He decided to get changed and go with her to the halls when she was ready to go.

When Clary finally made it to the bathroom on the second floor, the door was shut and a faint glow came from inside. No doubt it was Alec or Isabel. She walked across the hall to the bedroom she and Isabel had shared and opened the door. Sitting on the bed in front of her was the bag of her stuff with a notes that read 'Clary, since I don't think you will be sleeping here much anymore I did the honours of packing up your stuff. You know so Simon could sleep in your bed. Isabel' Screw the note, Clary knew that Simon and Isabel were sleeping together. She took her bag and went back up to her room that she was now sharing with Jace. "I can't believe she would just kick me out." I said to myself not noticing that Jace was still in the room. "

when she reached the bathroom Isabel was the one to emerge from the room with a towel in her hands drying off her wet hair.

"Hey Clary, sorry about this morning. I told Simon that people would be awake but he didn't believe me." Isabel said while walking across the hall to her room. "No problem, it's all good now." Clary replied and walked into the bathroom. She took a long shower, hot shower before dressing in a strapless pink and white polka dot maxi dress. She dried her hair and threw on some bronze bracelets and a pair of flip flops. When she left the bathroom she ran right into Jace who was looking for her. "I was just coming to find you. Ready to go? You look beautiful by the way." He commented pulling her in at the waist and kissing her forehead. "Yep! I'm ready to go! Thank you for the compliment." Clary replied before pulling him down to gently kiss him on the lips. "Then let's go, babe." Jace smiled. they walked out true house into the light of the sun and down the street to the hall of the accords, which was in complete disarray.

Hello! I cannot believe that I already have over 100 readers of the story! I thought that I would get 50 max, WOW! Sorry this chapter isn't really fun or anything but I wanted to update as soon as possible. The next chapter is where things will start to get interesting I promise! bye for now!

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