I'm Chaneell!

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Hey everybody! My name is Chaneell, I'm 18 years old. People keep on saying I'm the unexplainable Chaneell. And I don't understand! I really want to know. I have a bestfriend her name is Ritta Laing she is very nice, and she doesn't even know how or why I'm unexplainable. She is 18 too. We always hang-out. And my parents are Leila Perez and Johnny Perez which makes me Chaneell Perez. My school is Mount Ian. There are two mean girls in my school. They're names are Gretchen Wieners and Regina George. Yes THE Regina George! She is really mean to me and Ritta. Ever since Regina when't to our school she had NO MERCY on US! Ugh I can't believe! Well I'm not a nerd if you're wondering. I'm a rich kid who is nice than Regina. I have this ultimate crush which Regina is also planning to steal. Max Maxwell is the ultimate Heart throb in our school! He has dated 3 girls but those girl just failed. I just hope I get to date him. By the way its mid-semester and prom is just right around the corner. I don't know what to wear!

It's good I called Ritta to come over. Oh I think I forgot to introduce a little someone.

Uh- how do I say this? I have a little sister, she is way to much for me to handle. Her name is Seika Perez she is 10 and she is way to much of a trouble maker. Her phone is an iphone six plus. I never had an iphone when I was young. But I guess I have an iphone 6s plus! So I beat her.

*Door bell*

Oh I could guess thats Ritta cause her house is just like 10 minutes away.

Once I opened the door it was some kid which is my annoying sister. Ugh! She pushed to the ground! Which hurted so much to the level. I had to tell mom. My phone even cracked! Seika should pay! She never said sorry!
I told mom what happened. Seika is grounded for sure. Mom said she would go to the cellphone shop and repair it. I denyed because Ritta was coming, my mom just told me Ritta could come so I agreed.

*Door bells*

I opened the door and finally it was Ritta, I told Ritta everything and she said maybe we could find a prom dress in the mall. My mom agreed.

My dad stayed with that pesky Seika and had a deep good talk with her. But I guess Seika would still do that AFTER MY PARENTS HAVE FORGOTTEN!!

That pesky little brat. She is so spoiled, like SO MUCH! I guess to the bones.

Anyways we have to get back to the mall part and stuff.
While my mom was having my phone repaired me and Ritta went to the store Prom Galore because we had to find Ritta a prom dress to! Did I mention Ritta was also rich? Well I guess I did now.

^3 hours^

Me and Ritta have been searching for a prom dress for at least 3 hours now and we FINALLY found the matching dress for us. Unfortunatley we need prom dates. I guess not, cause prom is a free hang-out party and stuff. So no need to worry.

After that SHOP 'TILL WE DROP thing we got some Starbucks, Ritta ordered som Cotton Candy Frap, I just needed some Choco Chip Cream.

After that Starbucks thing we went home. I noticed that little girl isn't home but dad was home. So me and Ritta decided to go to my room and lock it cause if Seika would find out Ritta was here she would want to hurt us!

^An hour^

Ritta went home but 15 minutes later that hell of a brat was back here. Mom didn't want me to open the door for her so I just locked my room.

When I heard some loud footseps coming to my room I knew that was Seika. She would bang on my door, but good thing mom and dad took her and gave her another deep good talk.

It was dinner I didn't want to eat anything after the Starbucks thing cause you know I tend to eat a lot in Star.


Good morning world. It was another day. It was annouced to us

I was super shocked. Cause its Thursday today. Why did Mr. Craig announce it the DAY BEFORE it?! Whatever.

*After school*

Me and Ritta planned on staying at Ritta's house so we could plan the hair and make-up. Oh did I forget to mention what time prom is? I guess I didn't prom is at 5pm to 1:00am in the morning. After prom we have 2 weeks of no school! Hooray!

^2 Hours^

It's been 2 hours now me and Ritta has finally set up our make-up and hair style and its 7pm right now so I decide to have some dinner with Ritta. Ritta has decided that we take all her make-up and stuff and we'd sleep in my house. But the door would be locked just in case of that brat.

Today is prom day. Me and Ritta decide we go out to Chick-fil-a for breakfast. After breakfast we head to the mall to get some clutches shoes and phone cases. My dress is lavender so I will get lavander case with some gems, white clutch, and black shoes.

Ritta's dress is black so she needs a black case with gems, space gray clutch, and white shoes.

So its been 15 minutes and we found what we need! That was quick. So we head home and have some veggies for lunch. After that we work out for 1 hour.


So our work out is over now we need to shower and also have to do our make-up..


Ok we are all set now my sister tries to tug on my dress but good thing mom saved me!


Seika :: But mom I needed to say a THING

Mom :: No way.
That was a great relief I could believe my mom would scream to the top of her lungs on my sister. I'm proud of my mother. Me and Ritta left my house at 5 and we arrived at 5:41pm. I went up to Max an talked to him abit and he said the school opened at 5:40pm. Soo that meant me and Ritta we're late for 1 minute! Good to hear that. Mom told me I could go home anytime. Regina actually will hold a "Prom after party" so I'm coming there. She invited everyone. I asked Ritta if she was coming and she said as long as I would come.

I would really love to hook-up with Regina so she would stop teasing me and everyone else. I guess thats a "hook-up" party you know. That starts 1-3 am! I guess I'll stay 2 hours only.

It's already 7 and I'm freaking hungry already! And dinner is at 7:30pm hopefully I can pass through until 7:30.


Finally its dinner time. I'm like so hungry, So I decide to eat some roasted chicken, and truffle pasta. I wish the truffle pasta would be good cause I remember eating in a Italian Restaurant and the truffle pasta is horrible!

Anyways Ritta decides to eat some spaghetti.

After that amazing dinner me and Ritta spent the whole prom party sitting and chatting.

After prom I drove myself and Ritta to the "Regina's After Prom Party"
We did have QUITE fun just QUITE because Regina was bossing around.

Prom is over. So today is the start of the 2 weeks. Cause its almost winter break! I mean its November. After 2 weeks of resting its time to do BACK TO SCHOOL but it would last for only a week because we have WINTER EXAMS and I really don't want to go. Winter Exams are not optional. So most students don't go. I probably won't but I never wanna miss the Christmas Cringle or Party.

I should plan on what to wear on the party.


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