Chapter Two

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Johnny had an idea of where the hood was going as he scrambled after him while managing to keep a good grip on the carrier.

"Dal, there ain't no way we're goin' t'Jay's with the baby!" Johnny hollered after him.

Dally looked back at him. "Hm? What baby? Oh yeah, that thing." Dally covered up his emotions with snide comments.

Johnny glared up a storm his way as the head-strong greaser treaded on towards the tough hangout spot.

"Dally!" Johnny said again.

"Johnny, d'ya really think someone's gonna mess with the kid while I'm around?"

Johnny thought about it because he honestly hadn't before.

"Yeah. So let's go, I'm starvin'." The tow-headed Greaser said, holding the door open for his lover and 'child.'

"Well, whaddaya want?" Dally asked, looking over at Johnny as they both slid into a booth, the carrier set on the floor.

"Dallas!" Johnny screeched. The older greaser was the one that put it there. "What if someone steps on 'er?!"

"She should be so lucky!" Dally deadpanned, even though his comeback made no sense.

"We haven't thought of a name." Johnny said after setting the carrier on the table. Dally was too busy flipping through the menus to care.

"Huh? Well, why don't you name her?"

Johnny shook his head and pushed the carrier across to his side of the table. The baby girl cooed up at the older greaser who in turn narrowed his eyes at Johnny.



"Her name is 'Stupid'."


"Stupid Winston-Cade."

Johnny rolled his eyes. "Dallas, seriously. C'mon, man."

Dally stared up at the ceiling. "I picked the wrong day to go to school, didn't I?" He said to nobody in particular.

"Hmm... how 'bout Amelia? Or Aaliyah? Or Rebecca? Or-?"

"Aaliyah!" Dally suddenly exclaimed, snapping his attention back to his boyfriend.

Johnny stared at him, stunned.

"Which broad?"


"Which broad that ya banged inspired that name?" Dally threw his head back and laughed before looking back at his boyfriend, who was, in fact, dead serious.

"Oh, hey, Johnny. Nice meetin' you here, huh?" Johnny turned his head to see his ex-boyfriend, Michael Ashburn, walking towards their booth.

Dally sat up a little straighter and eyed the upperclassman.

"What are you doin' here, Assburn?" He shot.

Johnny shot his boyfriend a look and turned to Michael.

"Hey, Mike." Johnny said. Michael smiled at him. Johnny never did call him Michael. He was always shortening people's names: Dal, Pone, Two, Dar...

"I see you got your baby from health class today." He said, pointing to the carrier sat on the table in front of Dally.

"How'd ya know this was for health class?" Johnny asked.

"Well, I took the same class last semester. It was so hard lettin' the little munchkin go." Michael smiled.

Johnny frowned. He hadn't thought about that bit of the assignment.

Dally rolled his eyes.

"Ain't there somewhere else you have'ta be? Hopefully as far away from us as possible?" He glared at the upperclassman, making said Soc a little uneasy as he tried to keep conversing with his ex-boyfriend.

"I-I'll see ya around, Johnny."

"No you won't." Dally said. Michael was already out the door.

Johnny looked at him sternly as his boyfriend looked back at him, smirking.

"What the hell was that for?"

Dally shrugged and tried to play off his jealousy.


Little Aaliyah suddenly stirred, catching her parents' attention.

Aaliyah started to whimper. She didn't like being strapped down. She wanted someone to hold her.

"What's wrong with 'er?" Dally asked as she kept on.

"I dunno, man." Johnny said, sitting up in his seat. He was afraid she'd cry and make a scene.

Aaliyah continued to whimper loudly, reaching her arms out for her daddy. Dally just stared at the tiny thing in the carrier, cocking an eyebrow.

"Damn it, Dal! Just hold 'er already!" Johnny hissed. He wasn't in the mood for Dally's facade today.

Dally unclipped her from the carrier and held her in his arms arms-length. Her whimpers died down by a notch.

"What now?" He asked, looking the small thing in his hands over quizically.

"I dunno." Johnny responded, laying his head on Dal's shoulder and sighing tiredly.

Dally sighed and set her in his lap as their food came out.

The Greaser Baby Series 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin