Chapter 1: And the Day Inevitable Happened

Start from the beginning

I could not say I was shocked, I knew that even if they let me live, they may not let me go free; did not stop me from being completely freaked out though. I clearly had that fear written all over my face because Lee tried to make me feel better; tried being the operative word. "Do not worry Miss Driscoll, we are not taking you there to kill you," but even I could hear the underlying 'yet' in his tone.


In the end, I found myself being escorted to Fort George in between two terrifying Templars. What did I ever do to deserve this? I am an honest woman with an honest job; I cannot help it if I am naturally curious. At least Shay was gentlemanly enough to hold my umbrella so that I could, unsuccessfully, protect the hem of my skirts from the muddy ground; my shoes, unfortunately, are completely ruined. If I did happen to survive this, I wonder if I can convince Mister Kenway to force Lee to replace my ruined clothing and shoes. Probably not. Hopefully, these men are willing to lend me a pair of trousers and a shirt; I have no conniptions about wearing men's clothing.

I could see the towering walls of Fort George rising ahead of us, and if I am honest with myself; it looked terrifying in the rain, looks a lot like my imminent doom. Sensing my discomfort, Shay moved my umbrella to his right hand so that he could place his arm on the small of my back to encourage me forward; I am not entirely sure if this is supposed to be a gesture of comfort or just to ensure I do not stop, however, I was surprisingly comforted none-the-less. "Do not worry lass, everything will be fine."

I give him a raised eyebrow before speaking, "I am no idiot Mister Cormac, even if your Grand Master decides to spare my life, I am very well aware that I will lose my freedom for the foreseeable future. I do have one request though."

"And what might that be?"

"My skirts are covered in mud and there is no hope for my shoes, if it is not too much trouble, I would very much like to borrow some clothes until I am either dead or have access to my other clothes," I have never been a pessimist, but I am being realistic, I am either going to die or be locked up. I would at least like to be presentable when either of those events happen.

"The only clothing I can offer up are men's clothes, probably all too big for you lass," despite the scepticism I could hear in his tone, I could tell that he was also amused at the prospect of seeing me drown in men's clothing.

"I am well aware of this Mister Cormac, however, they will do," when he raised his eye brow I felt I needed to defend myself. "You don't really think I am the sort of girl who wears dresses at all times. I would not be able to do much if I wore dresses out in the frontier; nothing would get done."

"Very well lass," he chuckles. "Once we get you situated in a room, I will bring you some of my clothing, you will basically be swallowed by them, but you clearly do not seem to mind."

"Thank you Mister Cormac," and as we finished this conversation, we came upon the gates to Fort George and my fear returned, accompanied by the rain turning from an annoying drizzle to bucketing down.


As I anticipated, Shay's clothing basically engulfed me; the disadvantages of being a small woman I suppose. I used a belt to ensure the pants were not going to slide down my hips, and rolled up both the sleeves of the shirt and the length of the trousers. I tried to make the outfit look as dignified as possible before Shay and Lee return with Master Kenway; I may not particularly like the man, but I at least wanted to look presentable for a man like him. I somehow succeed to create a somewhat dignified look that I am happy with despite not wearing shoes and decide to sit down on one of the chairs in the room while I wait. Now that I did not have clothing to focus on, all the emotions I feel about the situation come flooding back; apprehension, fear, worry, mild annoyance and a few minor emotions.

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