Chapter Two

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Martha looked at Vic, he was playing with a turtle. She sighed and went back inside hoping he would already kill it. It seemed that Vic wouldn't be the one to be in charge, so Martha focused more on Michael, Vic had more space to play in. Michael had reacted better towards the training to be a gang leader.

That didn't mean she would let Vic talk to Kellin.

This was a family issue, if Vic had not been born from the most dangerous family he would have had a normal life. One where he was allowed to talk to other people, and socialize. He was cursed with having a life of an infamous mafia boss. That is if you count being tracked down everyday by countless assisans, just to prevent the buisness to arise.

"Kellin?" Vic asked. Looking through the hole, he started to feel sad because Kellin was the only person he talked to.

"Vic?" Kellin's soft voice called out.

"Kells!" Vic exclaimed, he was excited that he could talk to his only friend.

"Vic! My mommy said that you can cross the fence whenever! Where is the door?" Kellin said, he hit the fence and Vic felt the rumbling of fingers on the fence. Vic frowned, and put his hand where he thought Kellin's would be.

"There's no door." Vic said sadly. Kellin looked at him through the hole.

"What? There has to be a door!" Kellin said in surprise. Vic sighed.

"It's a black box, there's no door. The only one is the front one and it is locked." Vic said with a disappointed tone.

Martha looked outside to see Vic by the fence. She stepped out quickly, and yelled at Vic. Vic cringed, and said good bye to his only friend.

"Victor! Get over here, how many times do I have to tell you to not go there." Martha scolded him, Vic got up and left Kellin wondering how he could bring Vic in. He got up and brought a knife, the ones his mother said not to grab because they were very sharp. Surely if they could cut a hand off they could make a bigger hole in the fence. Kellin jabbed at the fence. After sometime the fence hole was big enough to put hand through. To Kellin that what enough work for the day.

He ran back in the house, but only when he hid the knife in a bush. Kellins was convinced he would help Vic escape the big black box he lives in.

Vic was surprised when he came back, seeing a hole that could fit a hand. He put his hand through it, and was shocked. He looked at his hand, and laughed thinking he was some wizard.

Kellins voice rang. "Vic?"

"Kells? Did you see the hole?" Vic said, Kellin nodded.

"Yeah! I did it, maybe I can break through this and you can come to my house!" Kellin said excitedly. Vic laughed and smiled, before asking how Kellin's day was.

"My cousin, Kyle is coming soon! You should meet him, he's kinda mean, but I think it's because he always drinks sour milk. That's what my mommy says!" Kellin tells Vic.

If only Kyle was actually drinking spoiled milk, maybe Vic would have been normal.

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