Chapter 1

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Hello everyone so I am writing this story merely out of the fact that I love Niall Horan so much and wish to meet him one day. I hope you enjoy the first chapter even if it ends up being slow at first.

My name is Addie Mayhew, I'm 17 years old and living in a dingy apartment complex I had bought for 500 dollars in the middle of New York City.

You may ask yourself how someone so young could make a life for herself. Well let's just say I didn't really have much of a choice considering my always high mother was never stable enough to actually care for me. I dropped out of high school and got a job as a fashion designer. I shouldn't say fashion designer because I am the assistant of one and thats only because I'm somehow extremely talented in that department. I consider myself very lucky.

Anyways, enough about me, let's get on with the story...

Addie was sitting quietly in the Café, her hand was tapping the pencil against the small circular wooden table as she looked frustratingly at her computer that sat in front of her. Her face crinkled up and she slammed her pencil down. She lay her head in her hands sitting in angst.

"Ugh! The stitching on these doesn't even make any sense?! Why would she want a cross stitch for the pleated skirt?!" She yelled as she shook her hands wildly at the piece of paper below her.

The others around her stared shockingly at how loud she was yelling but Addie didn't let it bother her as she just closed her laptop and began sipping at her coffee again.

Across the room a blonde hair boy had sat, tattoos trailed up his arms and his tinted lilac tips peeked out of his black and white snapback. He was sitting with she assumed one of his friends and he had very poofy brown hair. Addie was mesmerized, it was as if she had never seen someone so intricate before. The way he sipped his drink seemed so mesmerizing and the way his hair rested in the front of his head was like a work of art. Every blonde piece of hair seemed so perfectly. placed.

He quickly glanced his bright blue eyes over at Addie and placed down his drink. Addie quickly looked away and begin sketching an outline of a mannikin. Her cheeks were tinted pink and she couldn't dare look back at him. She didn't quite understand it, her heart was pounding and her stomach began to flutter as if a million little butterflies were flapping there wings inside her tiny and pale tummy.

She quickly picked up her laptop and placed it into her army green bag and crinkled the piece of paper into the trash.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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