Chapter 1

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  Papyrus and I stood right behind Undyne. It's hard to believe that a month ago, everything was fine, and the king and queen were still alive and well. I felt Pap grasp my hand and I looked up at him, he looked terrified. Poor guy.

Frisk must have gone running her mouth off after she left this place, because after she did, we were able to obtain the 7 souls needed to break the barrier. The first few humans to show up was 3 rowdy teenagers, they must have been dared to come here or something. The next 2 humans to fall were police officers, trying to investigate what happened to the teens we killed. The last 2 were the saddest for us all, two kids, smaller than Frisk, fell in the hole while playing pretend. Some of the monsters begged and pleaded with Undyne, but it didn't work.

The air around the barrier was colder than usual. Pap and I as well as every monster was ready to be free and follow Undyne's plan. The light was brighter than it ever was before. We all closed our eyes and the air somehow got colder. Pap's hand squeezed mine harder. 

The light faded and I opened my eyes and gasped. The barrier was broken and the souls were gone. No one thought it would've been this easy. Everyone stood there, not knowing what to do. Undyne stared blankly for a moment and then cleared her throat. "You know the plan, find the nearest town and fill your role." Her voice boomed and many monsters jumped before they flooded out of the Underground. 

Pap and I slowly walked forward, hand-in- hand. " we really have to-"

"Yeah, bro. We gotta. Undyne's orders."

"I miss the old Undyne."

"Everyone does, Pap. Look after we finish this plan we'll rebuild our life and everyone will act like their normal selves."

We walked down Mt. Ebbot and down a hiking trail, we all marched like prisoners. It was hard to believe that we all once agreed to go through with this. After we buried the king and queen and Undyne was voted as our new ruler, she proposed her plan to break free and rampage the nearest town. She said we would capture every human and take their town to rebuild our lives on the surface and we all agreed. Now that we're here everyone is anxious.

The crowd of monsters stopped at the outskirts of a town. Undyne was talking to her right-hand woman, Alphys. She looked nervous as she and Undyne we're whispering. Undyne faced the crowd and spoke with a loud, powerful voice.

"My friends, I know you're all worried, I am too, but these humans look weak. I know deep in my heart  we can do it and this will be our new home!"

As she gave her short speech, there was a sudden shift in everyone's mood. They  were cheering and clapping. Undyne raised her spear and roared and the monsters poured into the town. Pap and I stood there and listened to the human's cries. I looked at Pap and he looked at the chaos that was happening. Monsters were chasing, grabbing, and even fighting humans. We could hear cries and angry shouts. Undyne turned around and saw Pap and I standing there. 

"Come on you guys, grab a rope and go get a human. I know you're scared, but we're doing great so far!" Undyne said cheerfully as she pointed to a pile of ropes on the ground. Neither of us moved for a moment until Pap let go of my hand and walk over to the pile and grabbed two ropes. I shuffled after him and he handed me a rope, he looked nervous as we walked into the town.

It looked like a small bomb went off, there were cracks in the roads, windows were shattered, furniture was smashed and hanging out of people's doors and windows and people were running left and right.

" we just....grab a human?" Pap finally spoke.

"Geez Pap, I dunno."

Pap looked around, he seemed more curious than nervous now, like a dog. He walked to what seemed like a park, I followed behind him. We found Mettaton, Nabstablook, and temmie standing by a fountain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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