Part 1

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I screamed as I feel the kitchen knife that my mother was recently using for the onions dig into my leg. She hurries to grab the tea towel off the oven door and shove it into my mouth. "Shut up" She warned, her face was grave, warning me not to make a sound.

Tears were streaming down my face like a small waterfall coming from my eyes.

All I did was tell her she needs to pay $2 for my schools book. I can't get multiple so I just get one and use it throughout the year. My teacher can luckily read my writing. It's so small that sometimes even I have to squint to read it.

Mother slaps me accross the face so hard, my head whips to the side and smashes into the fridge door. I black out and let my mother do what she wants. It's one of my many talents and solutions I've picked up over the many years of torture.

When I wake I'm on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood. I go to move my arms to push myself up but immediately stop when I feel the searing pain in my left shoulder. I look at it and see a cut at least half a centimetre deep.

My eyes widen at the sight. She also cut up both my arms, left deeper than my right. I guess she was bored today. Or she she had a bad day. Or both. I rush up stairs to my room and fetch my cleaning shirt. I grab it and sneak to my father's room to poor some left over beer onto it. Hes always passed out. I go back to my and clean my wounds. It stings but I know it has to be done.

After I've cleaned my gashes, I take off my shirt and cut it to use as bandages for the wounds. I cut a really big one so I can fold it over and use for my shoulder. I cut two smaller ones so that they cover my fore arms.

Just as I'm finnishing the bandaging, my drunk father bursts into the room with a wicked grin on his face.

Oh no.

I'm writing this in a blackout. My negative thoughts are scaring me.

Now because I won't have the Internet for a few days, I'll probably upload this a week or more after I've actually written it so... Yeah...

Potato Girl.

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