CHAPTER 1 Fate Change

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The ambulance was ringing so loud WEEEEOOOOWEEEEOOOO!!

I came back to my senses and my vision are adjusting little by little. 

"Hey! Do you feel alright?." said the nurse.

unfortunately I can't find words to express what kind of pain I'm suffering. I remain silent and hold my mother's shivering hand. After a couple of hours the doctor entered and whisper something to my mom. My mom eyes are filled with overflowing tears.  

    "What is it mom? How bad is it? I said.

She pause and give me some piece of paper the result of my medical examination. She hug me so tight and told me

"What can make you happy my child?".

I look at the paper and saw I only have six months to live because I am suffering from terminal illness. My mind goes blank, I never do something fun or enjoy my life to the fullest. I'm just a loner otaku or an anime lover who everyone hates. I never make my mom proud, I never accomplished anything. It's like I can't believe I'll die that easy and I can't accept why is it me? 

"I have so many things I want to do mom, Why do I deserve this kind of fate?" I cried.

"My mom kiss me and told me God only knows the reason and We are given a freedom to choose. Choose what you want my child" she said.

"I------waaant to go to Japan mom." I exclaimed.

My mom was so shocked because its rare for me to open up my feelings and share what I feel. I never complain or say no to her. She work really hard to give all my financially needs. Because my mom is a workaholic, I grew up alone. My life is boring, Friends I dont have one , when I does only for a second if they only  need me. Life is cruel Its painful to be alone to have no one to share your feelings to. When anime comes to my life it lights up my dark life and gives me joy. Teach me different kinds of moral lessons. Its show me a different world who can make me laugh and never hurt me. It can makes me laugh,cry and improve my thinking skills. It gives me a light of hope and because of that I devoted my time watching anime,reading manga and searching their backgrounds. It was fun and forget all the pain in this world. I learned how to speak a lil japanese and investigates their cultures.My mom didnt have a second thought and she bought me a plane ticket. 

"This will be my adventure mom, I promise I will be back in the month of my due date". I said with a smile on my face. 

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up , I'll be waiting for your safety return" she said.

"I love you mom, If I came back healthy and alive will you have a nice dinner with me?" 

While giving my mom a big warm hug for goodbye, my tears keeps on falling and my heart is so painful. Maybe because I know anytime I might die there and not going to see her again. I hope I establish a good relationship with her. I keep regreting lots of things and except my mom no one will care about me. Going to Japan is a dream come true. Many questions came up to my mind but one thing lingers me to enjoy life and live without regrets. I'll forget who I am before and enjoy this remaining life with my dream place. That time I never knew that my world will turn upside down and miracle will occur and gives me a happy life that everyone wish for.

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