Chapter 48- Always Be Prepared

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Travis had seen Caitlin sweaty, sometimes without makeup, in spandex. She didn't know why she was worried about what she was wearing. Still a little peeved about him leaving her hanging with the kissing text, she'd put him off a bit. "Something came up" last weekend and she couldn't meet him for dinner.

Currently she was texting Michelle as she ran over to Georgetown to pick up a dress for a new client who happened to be one of the highest ranking female senators in the Democratic conference. Honestly, this woman didn't have the time or inclination to shop for events, so Caitlin had agreed to work with her. The Congressman had told her that if she got her work done, she could run some errands during the day.

Stopped at a stop light, she looked in her rear view mirror. Her mouth dropped open in an audible gasp. The sunlight reflected off hair on her upper lip. "What the fuck is that?" The words were slow as he ran her finger over her lip. "I can't go on a date with a mustache."

The traffic started to flow and her panic rose. How long had she had a mustache? She called Traylor.

"Are you serious?" Traylor answered her phone.

"It's an emergency," Caitlin blurted. She didn't call Tray during the day.

Traylor sighed into the phone. "Okay, okay. What's your problem? You know some of us have real jobs."

"My job is real." Caitlin turned her blinker on an turned quickly. "I..."

"I don't have all day, emergency."

"I just...the was shining like a beacon that I've missed for years. What the fuck? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm lost." Traylor chuckled. "What did I not tell you?"

"I have a mustache," Caitlin muttered.

"Caitlin," Traylor's exasperation couldn't be any more clear in her words. "I thought there was an emergency."

"It is an emergency."

"I thought you could see the hair in your mirror. It's blonde."

"Wait you saw it?" Caitlin wailed.

"I have eyes."

"OH SHIT!" It was the like the one hair that grew out of a mole on Caitlin's arm. She tried to keep it plucked, but every once and a while she'd look and it'd be several inches. "I am going on a date. I can't have a mustache."

"Caitlin, you may dye your hair blonde, but you have dark hair. You'll have to wax more than your lip in a few years."

"Are you serious? More facial hair?"

"Your pubes, your underarms, your eyebrows."

"Wax my underarms?"

"What? Cait, I've been waxing my lip for two years. Get over yourself."

Traylor burst into laughter. "Don't you already shave under my arms every morning and at night?"

"Shhhh, we're not supposed to talk about that."

"Get a bikini wax while you're at the spa."

"How are you not freaking out?" Caitlin wasn't ready to have to do facial hair maintenance and she really didn't want to start waxing her bikini.

"Because everyone does it?"

"Everyone waxes their bikinis?"

"Most women."

"I don't want to," Caitlin whined.

"Well, I bet Travis will take one look at your bush and run the other way."

"Really?" Caitlin's voice raised two octaves. She was already having some anxiety because he was so... good to look at she didn't understand why he's interested.


"Fuck," she whispered.

"Oh, and just so you'll be prepared..."

"Yes?" Caitlin prompted.

"They wax your asshole too. Call me after." With that Traylor disconnected and Caitlin stared at her phone for at least a minute before she popped out of her car and hustled down M Street.


She was texting with Michelle and Jenn as she sifted through her emails back at the office. Caitlin should've known that Jenn and Michelle both had waxed assholes. Her asshole, bikini area and upper lip were currently throbbing with pain. The pain on her face was nothing compared to her nether regions.

Oh, C, I would've told you to be a little tipsy when you get wax dripped on your ass in any capacity.

Caitlin heard Michelle cackle at Jenn's text all the way in her office.

I haven't dated in a while.

She texted them back, Chris didn't seem to mind her hairy stuff.

It's hard out here for a pimp.

Michelle responded.

I mean I don't intend for him to see my asshole tonight.

You never know my naïve one. You never know. You must be prepared for ass play. Always.

Ass play? Good grief, what was she getting herself into? She was just going on a date with someone who didn't know that she was cracked and barely taped back together.

You've scared her off Jenn. She's not going to do ass play right now. Maybe next weekend.

They'd been getting a good kick out of her today.

Do I have to play with his ass?

Hahahahaha C has jokes

Michelle appeared at her door, tears streaming down her face from laughter. "You have problems," she got out through a series of laughs.

"I mean, how am I supposed to know if I don't ask these things?" Caitlin looked over her shoulder at the open door to the Congressman's office.

"It's your first date Caitlin. Have a drink and relax. It'll be fine."

"It'll be fine."

"You're so nervous. You really like this guy."

She didn't say anything, but looked down at her emails again.

"What about Chris? He know you're going out on a date?"

"He's dating his secretary. I haven't talked to him in a few weeks."

"You didn't say anything," Michelle commented.

"It didn't matter."

Michelle squinted her eyes at Caitlin. Feeling the weight of the stare, Caitlin glanced up. "You're full of shit," Michelle whispered. "That boy is obsessed with you, I don't care who he's dating."

"We're moving on," she forced out.

"I'm not sure you know what he's doing."

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