At The End Of The World ~ Chapter 3

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Frank (I love calling him by his name now) and I were on the sofa listening to reports by Dr. Death.

"Why hey there." Party Poison was in the doorway smiling at us. "You guys are getting awfully cosy now, aren't ya?" He winked at us.

"Shut up, Poison." Frank laughed "We're just becoming good friends. She even knows my name now."

"Your what?!" Poison looked incredibly shocked.

"Don't worry! I won't tell anyone!" I interrupted quickly.

"No it's just. Man girl he trusts you!" He laughed back and Frank just smiled and looked a bit embarrassed.

"Okay I'm gonna get some food." I said, standing up.

"Kay, make sure it's good." Frank smirked.

I searched all the cupboards but I just found some old tins and slices of meats.

I served some beans and cut up the meat.

"Guys! Food!" I yelled. Everyone ran into the kitchen, took the plates and ran out. "You're welcome?" I laughed. Frank poked his head back round and smiled.

"Thanks, Angel." He said then walked back out. It sounded like a nickname. I'm glad he didn't tell everyone my name. I'm so glad he cares.

I sat down on the sofa with everyone else and started eating. I think it's the first proper meal I've had in a while. I don't remember how long. I've been a killjoy for too long to remember much of the past.

"Electric?" I was interrupted of my thoughts by Frank tapping me on the shoulder. Everyone else had left the room.

"Wow, was I daydreaming that much?" I giggled at my own weirdness and Frank smiled.

"It's late, you should be getting to sleep." He said. I nodded and stood up then realised something.

"I have nothing to sleep in." I muttered.

"Oh, erm. Wait there." replied Frank. So I just stood there, fiddling with my thumbs.

Eventually he came back down with a green shirt and black jogging bottoms. He handed them to me.

"Thanks. These will do great." I smiled at him. I went into the bathroom and got changed. When I came out Frank was there in pretty much the same clothes as me.

"Well, good night." I smiled.

"Night" he replied and hugged me tight. I went to my room and saw my brother and sister asleep which made me smile. I quietly got in the leftover sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep.

Man, it's great here.

At The End Of The World (MCR fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin