"Oh my God" Ilene gasped "That's amazing!"

Soon Lauren and Courtly entered with a blanket and some hot cocoa.

"Here you go" Lauren handed them to her.

"Thanks" Gigi smiled as she wrapped the blanket around her.

"Guys, get this" Amanda said to Lauren and Courtly "She is a genie."

"A genie?" they said as Amanda explained everything.

"Whoa!" Lauren gasped "A real genie?! Here?! How?"

"It's kind of a long story" Gigi said.

"So Brenden really gets 3 wishes?" Courtly said.


"Brenden have you wished for anything yet?"

"No" he said "I don't know what to wish for?"

"Oh, can you wish me up a boyfriend?" Amanda asked.

"Uh, no."

Amanda gave a frown.

"He has to be careful of what he wishes for" Gigi warned "Some wishes have consequences and things go wrong, trust me, it's happened before."

"So uh" Brenden said "Where exactly did you come from?"

"Yeah how did you get into Storybrooke?" Christina asked.

"Well" Gigi sighed "I've been around for thousands of years, granting wishes to my finders, but unlike other genies, I was able to grant 13 wishes instead of 3."

"13?" everyone said.

"Well that's cool" Ilene said.

"Anyway" Gigi continued "I was eventually freed from my bottle so my sister could take my place and I could attend a school called Monster High."

"Monster High?" Lauren said "I think I've heard about that school, isn't it like in another world?"

"I guess so. But then like a year later, while my sister and my father and I were visiting Agrabah, an evil sorcerer cast my father somewhere and sent me back into my bottle, and probably because of his magic I can only grant 3 wishes now."

"Oh my gosh" Christina gasped.

"But not only that" Gigi added "The sorcerer is looking for me."

"What?" everyone gasped.

"He wants to use my bottle to complete a spell that will break the laws of magic so he would become the most powerful of them all."

"Wait" Brenden said "Then why did he put you in your bottle when it transported here?"

"Well it didn't transport here at first, but he didn't know that once I became attached to my bottle as a genie, my bottle would transport to a random place where the next finder will find me."

"So he doesn't know where you are?"

"I don't think so, but I'm afraid he'll find me soon, and then maybe my father and sister."

"Oh my gosh" Lauren gasped "Is there anything we can do?"

"I don't know, do you guys have a way to see where my father and sister are?"

"I don't think so."

Gigi gave a sad sigh "Then I guess there's nothing to do."

Brenden put a hand on her shoulder.

"What if there is a way?" he said.

"How?" Gigi asked.

"What if I wish you to reunite with your family?"

"Oh that would be great, except you can't."

"Why not?"

"Wishes can be unpredictable, if you wish my family back, there's a chance that they could be dead."

"Why don't I just wish them to come here alive?"

"You can't, wishes have rules. You can't wish for life or death, you can't wish for love, you can't for more wishes. You get the idea."

"Oh" he said sadly.

"I appreciate you trying to help" Gigi said with a sad look "But I don't think there's anything you can do to help me."

Brenden gave a sad sigh.

"Well maybe we can at least try to protect you and make sure that sorcerer doesn't find you" he said.

"Really?" she said.

"Yeah, so what's he like?"

"Well he actually used to be my friend, well at least I thought he was until he betrayed me."

"What's is name?"

"Oh just hearing his name gives me chills" Gigi frowned "Jafar."

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now