How to Get Reads!: Lana and Simone

Start from the beginning

Simone: The important part is that you're writing and you keep writing.

Lana: It can take multiple stories and sometimes only a few take fire. But you KEEP WRITING. If your writing is based on the amount of reads you feel you need or deserve....then, my friend find a new hobby. Writing is hard. IT takes dedication. It's pouring your soul into your stories day in and day out. It isn't just posting a 500 word chapter and expecting to suddenly blow up on the internet. A good friend told me that if you do what you love, you'll attract people who love what you do.

Lana: I also agree that a lack of feedback can be frustrating, which is where those friends you make come into play. Forming a reading group or a critique circle of people you trust is FUNDAMENTAL to growing as a writer

Simone: I think both of us are a little crazy about our beta circles, lol. I know I'm really really picky about who I trust and whose feedback I hoard, but when I find someone on wattpad whose feedback is so awesome, I want to kidnap them... I sort of do kidnap them.

Lana: Haha! Betas make the world go round!

Lana: So we covered friends, writing. What's left?

Simone: Erm, there are some quick & dirty tips to speed along the process!

Simone: A good cover is a MUST!

Lana: Yes! I was hoping you'd bring it up. It's all about the looks, baby

Simone: The MDC can be a crazy place to look for covers sometimes, so kidnapping a graphic design fairy is encouraged ;)

LAna: An eyecatching cover and a good summary can go faaaarrr. To the moon!

Simone: Most of the books I add to my library are based on the cover alone.

Lana: So many people seem to overlook that because in chapter 10 the story gets really good. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE HOOKS. Try to draw in readers any way you can and a cover and summary can be a nice, subtle touch.

Lana: LOL same here

Simone: Summaries don't have to be super long; most of my summaries are actually quite short (with the exception of Strays), but try to have a question or some sort of mystery involved so a potential reader is forced to stop and go NO, I NEED TO KNOW WHY THIS IS

Simone: Also, Wattpad's new tagging system is great! Trending tags are based on each user's library and books themselves, so the tags you see trending are mostly because of what you've read before. I personally think this is awesome! I just have to search #dark or #potato and I have a plethora of stories to choose from, ranging from just published to old wattpad favs

Lana: Yes. A good set up is a earth-shattering statement. Followed by a conflict. Summed up with a question or another statement. For example: LAna Sky is dead. Only two things can bring her back to life. With the help of her bestie forevsies Simone will she discover the way back to life? Or be struck in the land of derpity forever,..


Simone: That also reminds me — a good title!!!

Simone: While titles aren't *as* important as covers & summaries, I have been known to click on books just because I thought the title was insane or awesome

Simone: That goes for usernames, too. I stalk my comments for funny usernames or unique usernames so I can see what they're up to in the writing world :P

Simone: Actually, while on the topic of stalking: commenting on other peoples' stories is a GREAT way to attract attention. And not one line or "this is great" comments - I'm talking in depth feedback. It's a great conversation starter, and a great way to kick up a friendship. If I get in depth feedback from someone I've never officially 'met' on the site, I check them out to see what they're writing because if their feedback is good, then I know what they're writing is probably right up my alley and I'll want to read it!

Lana: Yes. And I have to say avoid "clickbait" titles at all costs. You know the ones. They may draw reads, but trust me it's the WRONG sort of readers. Your story titled My Mate is a Rockstar and I'm preggers?!?! may draw tons of views in a short amount of time, but a book like that won't be taken seriously by most avid readers and runs the risk of being written off right off the bat. However, the same story titled Muse? I'd give that baby a looksie and while it might not get the same reads, if it's a damn good story it will benefit from word of mouth and people who would actually want to be seen reading that in public.

Simone: LOL!

Simone: It definitely depends on your goal. My goal is feedback because I thrive on it, and my beta readers are slowly escaping their prisons in my basement so I need to stockpile O.O

Lana: I like finding weird readers and weird people to

Lana: So anymore tips? I think my main one has to be just be genuine. Be yourself. Write what you love and be PATIENT.

Simone: Ooh! Another tip would be to take part in writing contests. That's how I forced Lana to notice me :P They're basically a free-for-all show off fest. The hosts are ASKING you to show them what you got, AND you get super-awesome feedback at the end of it (hopefully; check the contest rules)

Lana Sky: Yes! And we have been known to run a few on the Malice page. Kidnapping galore!!!

Lana: I mean, usual serious writing stuffs

Simone: I think the moral of this entire chat is that kidnapping is okay, as long as they give good feedback, okay? IT'S OKAY.

Lana: LOL Thats the plan

Simone: I think that's all my tips. That's mostly what I do, anyway. Run around messaging poor unsuspecting users and forcing them to be my beta slaves.

Lana: Haha! Same here. I think persistence is the key!

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